Thursday, August 28, 2008
At home with the baby...
Since we have been home from the hospital we have had many vistors! My days consist of changing diapers, nursing, burping, changing diapers, etc...she sleeps almost the whole day and keeps me up a lot at night! Mika has been great with her! She was a little jealous at first but now she is getting use to her. She only gets jealous now when I talk to Makenzie in "baby talk". Overall, it seems like we've had Makenzie home with us for a lot longer than 3 weeks & we can't imagine our home without her!
First day home from the hospital
Titi Nataly, Abuela, Tia Kathy & Jeff
Grandma meets Makenzie
Jeff's family admiring the baby
Makenzie's Great Grandpa
Family picture

First day home from the hospital

Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Makenzie Arrives!!
On August 6, 2008 I gave birth to Makenzie Faith! She weighed 6 pounds 8 ounces and was 19 inches long. The birth was fairly easy (with the help of an epidural!). I started having contractions the morning before however they weren't painful so I wasn't sure if this was actual labor. I called my doctor & she advised me to come in to see her just to be on the safe side. After she examined me she told me that I could go into labor that night, the next night or the contractions might even stop. While on the way home from the doctor's I had my first painful contraction. Throughout the night they became more & more painful. Around 2:30 in the morning Jeff & I headed to the hospital and at 8:17 baby Makenzie was born!

The long 9 months...
Jeff & I found out I was pregnant on December 12, 2007 (our dog, Mika's b-day). While we were food shopping we decided to buy a pregnancy test too, just to be sure I wasn't pregnant. Well, as soon as we got home I took the test and to my surprise there were 2 lines-I was pregnant! I was speechless! I told Jeff that I wanted to wait to tell our families & friends until the 3 month mark but later that day my best friend Justine called and I had to tell her. Jeff decided to tell his family on Christmas Eve because he couldn't wait for 3 months!! As soon as the first trimester was over I told my family & friends.
I would say I had a very normal pregnancy, at first I was constantly tired and spent hours with my head in the toilet but eventually I was back to my normal self and had the chance to actually enjoy the experience.
My 1st Mother's Day!
Memorial Day BBQ!
8 months!
My baby shower upstate (June 28th)
At our baby shower in NJ! (July 12th)
8 Days before Makenzie arrived!

I would say I had a very normal pregnancy, at first I was constantly tired and spent hours with my head in the toilet but eventually I was back to my normal self and had the chance to actually enjoy the experience.
Here are some pictures from the last 9 months...
My 1st Mother's Day!
Our Life with Makenzie Faith
I'm starting this blog to share pictures and updates with our families & friends who do not get the chance to see us often. Jeff & I are both new to parenthood so hopefully this blog will help capture all the "firsts" that come along with welcoming a new baby into the world!
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