What a WONDERFUL Christmas! It was even more fun that we expected with our little sweetheart! Jeff was actually so excited he woke up a few times in the middle of the night...hehe! We couldn't wait for Kenzie to see all the presents Santa left for her! Her main present was a pretend kitchen. 
I LOVE this picture! I love how happy she looks! :)
I was very excited to see Kenzie's reaction with the presents and it was actually not as I expected. I think she might have actually been a little overwhelmed with the presents and mommy and daddy taking pictures and recording her every move! haha! She wouldn't let me put her down at first and she was actually scared to touch the kitchen! I would tell her to go over and play with the kitchen and she would go towards it but run back to me! It happened a few times before I had to go with her....and since then she has been glued to her kitchen! :)
Going through her stocking...
I just had to post this scary picture...my sister and I coundn't help but laugh after she took it. With the little evil look and the flames in the backgound it's not the best Christmas picture, but I think it's funny! haha!
Right now we are looking forward to see what 2010 brings! :)