Not too often does the temperature hit 60 degrees in February around here so when it does we have to take advantage! For the past couple of days Kenzie and I had the chance to go for a walk to the park! She loves her stroller...maybe a little too much since she falls asleep as soon as we leave the driveway! Yesterday we made it to the park with her still awake! My sister and I put Makenzie & Abbie on the swings and they loved it!! Of course I brought my camera and took some cute pics of the girls!! :) Ahhh this weather makes me soo excited for Spring! I don't think I have ever been this excited for nice weather before! Having a baby definitely makes you more excited about the little things! 

1st walk...couldn't quite make it to the park...
Just some pics of Kenzie in her cute little puppy dog outfit...
I know Jeff's family enjoys seeing videos of Kenzie since they do not get to see her here is just a little video of Kenzie from the other day. Kenzie wants me to write that she loves & misses you all! :)