Friday, November 27, 2009
Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree....
Monday, November 23, 2009
Oh, I'm so very thankful for our precious, healthy, beautiful baby girl....
3 Thanksgivings ago I was in LA. I spent the day at a Brazilian restaurant with my coworkers and then went to the gym! Just proves how much has changed...I don't remember the last time I went to the gym and I would NEVER think to go on a holiday! I was miles away from home....
2 Thanksgivings ago Jeff & I had a very fun day. We were on the move all day...going to the Macy's Parade...drinks...dinner in NJ with Jeff's family...out until late! Definitely not a Thanksgiving I was use to and probably will never have another Thanksgiving like it, but it was perfect for us.
Last Thanksgivings Jeff & I wanted a very quiet day with our new little baby. I had to get up the next day at 3 AM to be at work (the joys of retail on Black Friday) so we wanted to stay in and enjoy at day with the family! Jeff's family came from Jersey and we had such a relaxing day...
This Thanksgiving we are spending the morning watching the Macy's Day parade from our living room (probably while chasing an energetic 1 year old around, "playing" with puzzles and most likely flipping back and forth from the parade to The Wiggles). We will head over to my sister's house in the afternoon to have dinner with my family. Our commute will be short (2 or 3 minutes maybe), no crazy holiday traffic in the city, no chaotic train stations, no running to catch a train at Jersey Transit...just a peaceful day with our little girl and my family, that we are so thankful for! (Of course, we are very thankful for Jeff's family too and we will miss them this Thanksgiving...we hope to see you guys very soon!! Kenzie can't wait to find out if she's going to have a new baby boy or girl cousin!!)
Friday, November 20, 2009
Friday, November 13, 2009
Pictures & Stuff....
We have had a nice week....a nice day off in the middle of the week to spend some extra quality time with our baby girl (well not too much of a baby...she turned 15 months last week!) We've been up to the same old routine...but here are some pics from the past week or so...
Jeff took this picture one day when I was at work. She fell asleep watching Barney!
Being silly, sitting in her book basket! She LOVES books now! She will bring me book after book and sit on my lap to listen and of course I feel extremely guilty if I say no so I end up reading books all night....
Last Friday my mom and I were going out to dinner and I thought Kenzie looked absolutely adorable but of course I was unable to get a good picture of her! She was upset because I said we were going "bye bye" but I wasn't opening the door for her to leave!
In a little better mood...
Just a cute picture..

Kenzie & her new toy box!!! Well actually this use to be my toy box when I was a kid. My Uncle Harry replaced the "K" with a "M" for Makenzie and made some nice improvements and Kenzie loves it!!! I love that I used it as a child and now Kenize is using it! So cool! Kenzie doesn't actually "get it" yet...I think she thinks it's a big step stool or something to climb on. I have yet to see her open it to get toys out...she'd rather bring her toys on top and play on it! I love how it looks in her room!! Thanks Uncle Harry!

Last weekend I went in to get Kenzie from her nap and found her like this....not exactly sure what happened....

Standing on her rocking horse...
This picture is for Tia, Titi and Abuela...she LOVES this Spanish book! She will just sit there and look at it...and she has me read it over and over again. It's in English with a few Spanish words but still Jeff laughs and thinks I "butcher" the Spanish language! At least Kenize likes it! :)

Just relaxing under the bathroom sink... haha
Kenzie's newest thing is to carry around her blankie in the blue pail. She carries it everywhere like it's her purse...too cute! She also will take her wipes and uses them as a step stool to reach things she's not suppose to be able to reach on her changing table! Naughty but cute! :) 
Is it too early for Christmas jammies!?!? Dancing....

Looking out the window....

All her bath toys in her little duckie tub...

Sorry for this long post! I hope to post more frequently so the posts are not so long and random!
Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Also, we just wanted to say Congrats to my brother, Scott and my new sister-in-law Emily who got married last weekend in Niagara Falls!! We are so happy for you!!
Monday, November 9, 2009
Professional pictures....
When I first saw the pictures on the screen, I wasn't a huge fan...maybe b/c I was a little stressed to choose a package (esp when the sales person was a little pushy!) but after we got them in the mail I was happy how they turned out! I'm excited we finally have a professional family picture of us!

Monday, November 2, 2009
I have been looking forward to Halloween since I bought Kenzie's costume back in August...and it was definitely just as fun as I anticipated the day to be with our little bumble bee!!
We started the day off trick-or-treating at the mall...My mom called telling us to dress Kenzie up and bring her down to the mall b/c there were a lot of kids trick-or-treating at the stores...and I'm so happy I did! It was a great way for her to warm up to trick-or-treating before the big night!
1st piece of candy!
Our village has trick-or-treating hours from 5-8 so we were ready to go at 5! My sister has been telling me how our village looks like a scene from a movie on Halloween and it really does! This is our first year trick-or-treating here and we loved it! There were kids everywhere....people sitting outside waiting to give out candy...with hardly any cars driving around! It was great!
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