I know it's a little late but Kenzie & I just wanted to say Happy Father's Day....

I know this picture is almost a year old but I love it and sadly I didn't get any father/daughter pictures on Father's Day! Just like Mother's Day I had planned on taking nice pictures after church but I'm not too sure what happens....I put it off and then it never happens! Jeff wanted a very low key day....his only requests were to have wings and to watch the Yankee/Mets game! Although the Mets lost, I think Jeff had a nice relaxing day! :) We ended the day at our local ice cream shop for Jeff's free milkshake! :)
Thank you for taking such good care of me! Thank you for rubbing my back and for pretending to sleep on my hard floor when I'm having trouble falling asleep. I loved our days together during the school year when mommy was working-our morning walks were so much fun! Thank you for letting me play with all your fun gadgets...I especially love your ipod and head phones! I love when you're home at night and get to have story time with mommy and I before bed! You know my favorite....The Wheels on the Bus! Even though mommy is better at the song than you I still love it when you're there! I love you so much daddy!