Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Winter, Are you OVER yet?!?!

These past few weeks have seemed to drag on....I'm SO over Winter!! A week or so ago we had a somewhat nice day (in the 50's) and it was just a tease. Right after we had another snow storm!

We seriously have not been up to much...

This was a highlight of my weekend when Kenzie fell asleep in the cart.

I just thought it was the cutest thing!

For Valentine's Day Kenzie & I decorated a bag so we could put some goodies in. I found the idea online and the paper bag looked adorable but I'm not creative enough and our paper bag looked like a paper bag with stickers...not at all like the picture online, but Kenzie enjoyed decorating it!

Her goodies....

The only 2 somewhat cute pictures of Kenzie on Valentine's Day...


Moon Dough puppies....

Hide & Seek....

Our movies of the week: Princess & the Frog & Cinderella

We have also been sick the past few days. Kenzie's staph infection came back! On Sunday we noticed a small red spot on her fanny and we didn't want to take any chances so we took her to the walk-in right away. Luckily, we caught it soon enough before it turned into a huge abscess and hopefully we can just treat it with antibiotics! We took her to her Pediatrician on Tuesday and she thinks it will get better with just antibiotics! We were SO relieved to know it did not have to be drained!
Jeff has been sick with Bronchitis and I've been sick with I'm not sure what!

This is what the last two days have looked like....

Just for fun....

I know we have the whole month of March to get through still....but I just couldn't help day dreaming of little tiny bikini's with a big belly sticking out....

And pretty little sundresses...
(pics from almost 2 years ago)

We are definitely ready for nice warm, sunny weather!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Abbie & Kenzie

Last month Jeannine had a little photo shoot with Abbie & Kenzie....They looked so cute in their matching Matilda Jane!

Kenzie in the same outfit a year ago....

Thursday, February 10, 2011

2 1/2

On Sunday Kenzie turned 2 1/2! I can't believe she is closer to 3 now than 2! I can say, I love 2 so far! Don't get me wrong, 2 can also be veryyyy hard but overall I think it's rather fun and quite amusing! I'm sure I'll say this at 3 and at 4 too! :) What I love about 2 is how excited she gets for little things like: going outside, making a craft with mommy, helping mommy make something to eat, etc...it makes me excited for the little things in life too!
One thing I've learned about 2 is that she's either verrry good or verrry bad! It reminds me of the Mother Goose poem that my best friend posted when her daughter was 2:
*There was a little girl,
Who had a little curl,
Right in the middle of her forehead,
When she was good,
She was very, very good,
When she was bad,
She was horrid.*
Describes Kenzie...right down to the curl on her forehead! :)
I was looking back at old posts a couple days ago and I was so happy that I wrote down a lot of Kenzie's favorite things/funny things she does/etc....because as I was reading them I realized I would never have remembered them if they weren't on the blog!
* * * *
Some things I don't want to forget about Kenzie at this age:
*Loves movies...her favorites are: Beauty & the Beast, Cinderella, Snow White & Toy Story. I can't remember when the last time we watched something other than those 4 movies! She watches them so much she'll even copy the lines as the characters speak!
* Loves crafts!
*Sticks her tongue out when nervous or in awkward situations!
*Will often say "o, p, y"....Jeff & I have yet to figure out what it means! She has said it in so many contexts, in so many different situations, we have no idea!
*Could possibly eat mac & cheese every day and still love it!
*When she gets excited/happy she'll randomly kiss me! I love it!
*Very affectionate: will rub our faces and say "I love you so much"

*When angry she'll will copy what I say...
me: Stop hitting
Kenzie: Stop hitting
me: Stop copying mommy
Kenzie: Stop copying mommy
(you get the picture!)
*Also when angry she will say (to whoever is disciplining her) "I go tell Mommy, Dada, or Grampy" and then she will usually (in a very sad voice) say "Dada, mommy yelled at me".
*Favorite toys: Jessie (from Toy Story) doll, tiny princess dolls, plastic Toy Story dolls, puzzles, fake food/dishes and Little People
*This hasn't happened recently but a few months ago Kenzie started blaming things on her blankie & doggie....
Example 1: I was washing dishes and Kenzie came in holding a Willow Tree figure with the hand broken off. I asked her what happened and she said doggie did it (talking about her stuffed doggie)....trying not to laugh I asked her again and she said blankie did it.
Example 2: Kenzie often takes books to bed (usually hard, baby books that she can't rip), on this particular day I let her take a big girl book to nap with her. I came in later to find a page ripped out....I asked what happened...she said "blankie did it".
Example #3: Well this time she didn't blame it on an inanimate object but it's similar...she was playing with a plastic Santa Clause I put in her room for decoration. I noticed she was playing with it but didn't mind b/c I didn't think it could break. Kenzie played with it for about 5 minutes or so when she very causally walked out of the room saying "I didn't break Santa, Mommy, I didn't break it". I didn't even mention her breaking it so I thought it was a weird comment for her to make so I started walking over to look at the Santa and she took off running....She actually did break it....when I went to find her she was hiding under the kitchen table!
I know lying is not funny but sometimes I have to try so hard not to laugh when she makes up these crazy stories! :)
*Weighs 26 lbs
*Favorite books: Three Billy Goats Gruff, The 3 Bears, Llama Llama Red Pajama (I love this book!), Green Eggs & Ham, and a Disney princess book that she has to find objects on every page!

*Still LOVES her blankie
*Will call me when she's in bed to cover her tootsies (feet)!
*Has only had 2 accidents during nap time since July!! And now she has more dry diapers than wet diapers in the mornings!
*Very independent when using the potty...she will often not tell me when she has to go, she will try to go by herself and wipe and flush on her own!

*Will call me "keekee" instead of mommy sometimes!
*There is a commercial on TV that has a guy on it that looks like Jeff....every time we see the commercial she gets so excited and says "there's Daddy!"
*Will run away from me and hide as soon as she knows I'm going to comb her hair, get her dressed, etc...
*Will often start telling us a short story about something specific but then it will turn into a huge random story about everything she sees around the room...most times she'll throw in Grampy's name, Neenee's house, her cousin's names...anything that comes to her mind! :) And she will usually say something that sounds like "nee how" in between some of her thoughts! Not sure what it means but it's so cute to listen to her never ending stories!!
I might have to add more as I think of more but that's it for now!! :) We love you Makenzie Faith....You make us sooo happy! :)

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Superbowl Weekend

On Sunday morning Jeff, Kenzie & I drove down to Queens for a Superbowl party!
It was great being back in our old neighborhood! I was wishing we were there for longer than a day...I would have loved to go to so many more places!! It's definitely weird to go back....although I'm very happy upstate it's sad to see all our old stopping grounds...such as our old bus stops, bars, parks I would ran at, restaurants, gyms, stores, etc...It's weird to think of how much our lives changed since we moved! I feel like I wouldn't even know how to ride the bus and train anymore...haha...and I use to ride them everyday!
I can't wait to take Kenzie back when she's a little older to see where she was born!
Love the view from Queens!

These pictures really sum up the party for Kenzie....
She spent her time wrestling with Gavin (our friends' 3 1/2 year old little boy)
Playing with Julia
How cute are their curls?!?!
Eating, eating and eating....I lost count on how many deserts she had!
We had a lot of fun at the party! I don't care for football one bit but the Superbowl is always fun!
After the Superbowl we drove to NJ....
Kenzie was very excited to see her Tia, Titi, Abuela & cousin Drake!
We couldn't stay long but it was a nice, short little visit!
Kenzie loved playing with all of Drake's toys...(and he has a lot!)

I tried to get pictures of the 2 but this was the best I got....haha they were not cooperating at all when they were facing the camera!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Snow Days!

Yesterday we woke up to a lot of snow!! We were very excited to go outside and play! Jeff had to work later on in the day but he was able to enjoy a little Winter fun in the morning! We bundled up, shoveled (Jeff), fell on ice (me), went sledding down a tiny hill (Kenzie), walked to my sister's house and back, dropped our car keys in the snow in the middle of our main
road (Jeff)....we later found them, luckily a plow did not drive by before we recovered them....went home and all 3 of us took naps! :)
In the last two days we watched a lot of Toy Story and Beauty & the Beast!
I came in to find Jessie's hat on her head and Jessie on her lap while she was watching Jessie on TV! Obsessed?
Today we had another snow day! Well more like ice/sleet/rain day! Kenzie & I went over to my sister's for a quick visit but ended up staying there until after lunch....Kenzie played outside with the girls for probably over an hour! That's a long time in the snow! Kenzie didn't bring her hat, mittens, and snow pants but between 3 girl cousins it was easy to find some extras!
Oh yea, and then Jeannine & I went for a Sonic run! Kenzie just woke up from a nap and we just started watching Beauty & the Beast so I knew she was not in the mood to go sooooo I may or may not have bribed her with a soda!?!?!
I know, I know...maybe I wont win "mother of the year award" but it was only a Diet Sprite! :)