We spent New Years in NJ with Jeff's family!
On NYE we drove down after Jeff got out of work for the night! It was a spur of the moment decision (those are the kind of decisions I'm usually not good with!) but we decided to go down for the night since Jeff just started a new job so his hours might be kinda crazy for the next couple months!
Kenzie was very excited to see her Abuela, Tia, Titi & cousin Drake! :) She asked all day if it was time to leave yet and since we had to wait until 4 when Jeff got out of work she asked me a million times "we going to Tia's house now?". :)
The drive down started well...a quick stop at McDonald's for dinner and then Kenzie watched a movie and was very good! A hour before we arrived at their house Kenzie said she had to go potty....I wasn't too concerned she's held it for longer than an hour before so I knew she could do it. A 1/2 hour after that she started complaining of her belly hurting. I just blew it off thinking she's tired of sitting in the car and she has to go peepee...no big deal. Even when she told me she had to "pukie" I still thought no big deal...she's just tired of being in the car! Well.....should of listened to my daughter b/c sure enough she "pukie'd" all over herself, her carseat and car! And...while she was puking she couldn't hold in her peepee and went potty all over herself, carseat and car! Poor girl had to drive another 1/2 hour covered in pee and puke! I felt so bad for not believing her and to make matters worse she said she was sorry for puking! :( And when we arrived at Jeff's family's she didn't want to go in b/c she didn't want anyone to see her all messy!!! So we had to take her in another door to go right upstairs so noone would see her before she went in the bath! Poor girl!
But once she was all clean and in pj's she was ready to play! :)
She had so much fun with Drake....it's so cute watching them run after each other! :)

Kenzie always does fun crafts while she's there....this time she made a gingerbread house with Titi!

Wrestling with Drake....