Kenzie is going to be a BIG SISTER!!!!

We are expecting baby # 2 at the end of October! My due date is October 28th to be exact!! We couldn't be any happier!!
(sonogram says "Hi Makenzie")

Now that everyone knows....this is the main reason that I've neglected my blog for the past couple months! I felt horrible for about 2 months but in the past couple weeks I've felt A LOT better (I think mostly b/c Kenzie prayed for me to feel better every night! Poor girl was my puking buddy....she would pat my back and even held my hair one day! I think she just wanted her mommy back! :)
Kenzie's very excited for the baby! Most mornings she'll kiss my belly and say "baby is going to love me!" So sweet! She's convinced it's a girl....Jeff's convinced it's a boy! I have no we are sooo very excited to find out (hopefully in the beginning of June!)
As of right now I'm 12 weeks and in my 2nd trimester! And I really can't believe that I already have a little belly!! I know people say that with the second pregnancy you show sooner...and it's soo true! I feel like with Kenzie it took forever to get a belly this time it came so quick....although since I'm at the in between stage my belly could be mistaken for "too much Easter candy belly"! Which I'm not gonna lie.....that might have something to do with it too! :)
At 5 weeks I took a belly picture with the hopes of getting a belly picture weekly, but then the next week I felt like death and belly pictures didn't sound so fun! So hopefully soon I'll get back in the grove! :)