Thursday, November 29, 2012

Christmas Tree

Over the weekend we put up our tree!  
We had to get a new one this year since our old one's lights stopped working last year.  
I didn't want to drive to Walmart so we bought a cheap one close by...only $20...but when Makenzie was able to lift the box completely on her own and carry it from room to room I realized it might have been a little too cheap! we returned it for a little bigger one....I still wasn't a fan, but Makenzie was beyond excited and thought it looked beautiful.  And I guess that's all that counts! :)

 Josie was there too....she wasn't excited as big sissy!
 Next year she'll be one.  
I'm sure we'll be constantly telling her to stop touching the tree so for now we'll enjoy our "mature" four year old and our little newborn! :)

I think she's going to be a blondie...look how light her hair is by her ear!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Black Friday

On Black Friday I woke up early....very very early!
Not for a $50 flat screen...
or for a new ipod...
or toys...
even better....
to nurse this cutie pie! :)
 In fact I even woke up a few times throughout the night for my hungry baby! :)

Not that I wouldn't mind getting some good deals...I don't see Black Friday in my future for the next few years!  Jeff will probably always work on B.F. and I can't imagine navigating through the crowds with kids...Yuck!

Anyway...instead of shopping, we painted our nails...
took a little cat nap in the bouncy chair...
 acted like a pretty little drama queen....
 looked cute...

 But with all the turkey from the day before and leftovers some of us crashed early...
 Both girls were sleeping by 7:15!  I was happy! :)
 But then this one started to wake up...
(She's still getting the hang of her binkie! haha)
 ...and then she was fully awake!
 ...and before you knew it...they were both awake! 
Jeff was very surprised to see both girls awake at 10 when he arrived home!  
Josie went back to sleep a little after 10....little miss Kennie was up past 11pm!  

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


We had a great Thanksgiving...
Jeff had to work in the morning but was able to enjoy the rest of the day with us! :)  
Kenzie & I watched the parade in the morning and then went over to my sister's house 
for a delicious turkey dinner.

I didn't take too many pictures but here are a few from our day...

 our little turkey... :)
 my handsome nephew...
 I have to laugh at this picture...
Last year we were able to get a good picture of the 6 kids..this year we tried again.  
The girls had outrageous outfits on and Josie was screaming, but the boys were very good! :)  
This is the best I could get...
 Sophie's first time holding Josie...

 Makenzie brought these cute turkeys home from school...
 and she made this one at home...
seriously, how cute is this turkey!?! :)
(the turkey is stuck in water....hehe)
We have so much to be thankful for!!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

1 month old

Last Monday Josie turned 1 month!
Here is what the babe is up to at 1 month:
*Nurses every 2-3 hours during the day...3-4 hours during the night
*Wearing newborn clothes but just starting to wear 0-3 clothes
*Size 1 diaper
*Just started sitting in her bouncy chair...she likes it for a little bit maybe 15 minutes or so but at least it's 15 minutes for me to do something! :)
*likes to be held all the time
*just recently she has been a happier baby but before a few days ago this girl was a grump! Hopefully happy Jo stays around more b/c she's a lot more fun! :)
*Loves the Baby Bjorn...she has never cried while in it and usually goes to sleep!  So I often wear her around during the day as my little accessory! 
*Not a big fan of her car seat when I put her in it but will go right to sleep once she's in the car
*spits up all the time...not as much as big sis did though (even though daddy thinks Josie spits up more)..and not just little spit up here and there..big gushes...yuck!  
*Loves her sleep rocker...I forgot what it's called but we'd be lost without it!  She sleeps in it every night and through out the day
*Loves to be swaddled in her "Swaddle Me"
*I thought she was getting on a schedule at night but the past few nights were not very scheduled...she was going to sleep around 7-8 and then she would wake up to nurse 2 to 3 times per night and go right back to sleep.  For the past few nights she doesn't go to sleep until 10-11 and she's fussy from 8pm on...and then once she falls asleep she's up 2 or 3 times per night but then she's up and cranky after I feed her!  
*I've been pushing the binkie but I can't tell if she likes it or not.  Sometimes she'll take it other times it only seems to make her even more angry!

I want to take pictures of Josie every far she's not a fan! :)  

Our little 1 month old...

 (thought maybe she wouldn't mind posing with big sis...but nope, still angry!)
 I even tried later on that day but nope...
...but in Josie's defense this was right before the photo shoot... she might have had a little bellyache!  (sorry if that grosses you out! I should of warned you!)

Look how much she's grown in a month...
So excited to see what the next month holds for our little Josie Marie! :)

Saturday, November 17, 2012

November so far...

I can't believe November is half over and Thanksgiving is next week!
Seriously, where does the time go?  I remember being little and it seemed like after Halloween days dragged on and Christmas seemed years away!  
Before we know it, it will be Christmas! :)
Jeff has been busy at work...although his hours changed a few weeks back and instead of working about 60 hours a week he's down to 48!  Yay!  We love having daddy home more! 

Last weekend Jeff convinced me to venture out of the house I was very spontaneous and fun and we went to visit Justine in Oneonta on Friday and then to NJ on Saturday & Sunday.  :)
Jeff's family were suppose to come up a couple weeks ago, but with Hurricane Sandy plans had to be they were so excited to meet baby Josie! 

In other exciting news...
Kenzie got her cast off today!  Yay!!  I think I was 10x more excited than Kenzie.  Casts are gross and I really reallllllllllly hope this is the last one we will need in this household!  Now she's in a brace for 2-3 weeks  until her next appt. and then hopefully the doctor will give her a clean bill of health!  Her xrays looked great today and the doctor was very pleased with how fast she healed!

Here are some pictures from the past week or so....
 Watching Brave together...
 Acting silly...
 Looking cute before school...

 Somehow she can manage to escape the swaddle! 

 and just because I don't want Kenzie to feel left out of the sleeping pictures.... :)

 So dramatic...she gets it from her daddy :)