Monday, December 31, 2012

December Days

December was jammed packed full of Christmas fun! :)
Here are some pics from the past month...

 Eating her gingerbread house she made at school...

 The other night Josie spit up a ton!  I'm talking a lot....enough to have to change her swaddle, sleeper, onesie and blankets....after I changed everything at put her back to sleep Makenzie placed a piece of toilet paper on her in case she spits up again! :)

 just relaxin! 
 So many nights I find Kenzie sleeping with her blankie wrapped around her neck!  
Of course I always move it.... makes this mama nervous!

Josie in her pretty red dress & Christmas bow....
Makenzie (4 months) in the pretty red dress & Christmas bow...
I think they look alike! :)  

Sunday, December 30, 2012


We had a very merry Christmas!  
4 is definitely fun on Christmas!
Kenzie woke up around 4:30 am to ask if Santa had been here yet...I said no not yet b/c I knew she was a little too scared to go check by herself. :) 
She woke back up at 6 and then woke us up.  She warned me the day before that if I don't get out of bed right away she was going pull me out of bed! 
So I got right up! :)
One of the first things she did was give us our presents she made in school! :)  
So sweet! She made us an ornament, candle and a little paper plate with her picture!

 Going through her stocking....
she kept on saying "how did Santa know I like this...."


 A little while later this little one woke up! 
Merry 1st Christmas Josie Marie! :)

 She was so smiley, I couldn't stop taking pictures of her!

 Santa left her some goodies too! 
Big sister loved unwrapping them!
My mom stopped over quickly before she drove up to Syracuse....
 All this fun was way too much for the babe...she napped in daddy's arms! :)

We enjoyed the rest of the day relaxing, eating and playing with new toys! :)  
Makenzie asked Jeff if he had to go to work and when he said no she was so happy! 
We had a great day!

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Christmas Eve

We started Christmas Eve at Josie's 2 month well visit (poor girl!).  
It was not my idea to schedule her shots for this day....her doctor's office had to reschedule her original appt. and this was the only day available.  So poor Josie had to endure 3 shots the day before Christmas (even though she had no idea...mommy did!).  
Doctor said she's healthy and looks great! :) 

 After the doctor appt we stopped at a few stores and went home to clean up for Santa!  Kenzie totally believed me when I told her that Santa doesn't come to messy houses! :)

Jeff had to work but came home early with pizza and then we were off to church. 

Look how grown up she looks...
 Our pretty little baby...
 After church Santa came by without anyone seeing him and left Christmas pjs (and a kitty for Kenzie) for the girls!  
 We almost forgot to make cookies to leave for Santa....good thing all we had to do was place them on the cookie sheet!  :)

 Cookies & milk for Santa and carrots for the reindeer....
 Read for bed in her new pjs...

 Santa came... these little ones slept...

Makenzie ended up sleeping in our bed right from the start.  She got pretty freaked out about Santa coming into our house.  It's funny b/c she loved Santa this year but I guess the thought of him coming into our house was a little scary!