Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Christmas Card Bloopers

Taking our Christmas card picture was a little difficult this year!  
I tried on two different days and luckily got one picture that I was happy with.  
Makenzie is easy....Josie not so much! 
But now that it's all said and done I have to laugh when I look at some of these! :)

 By far my favorite blooper...
Jeff (or Jeff's ghost...looks a little creepy!) photobombed our picture!  
The girls were too busy looking at daddy outside than my camera!

 I thought this one was cute...

 Not sure what they were looking at...

And the winner that made the card.....

Monday, December 30, 2013

December Wrap Up

December always flies by....
Here is a quick recap of the Soto's December....

*We looked cute going to church....

*We made A LOT of messes... 
....and got into a lot of things that we shouldn't have! 
 ...and climbed on things we shouldn't have....

 *Played ring around the rosie! 

 *Made gingerbread houses at school and ate them at home! 

 *Watched tons of Baby Einstein!  This girl loves them!  

 *Makenzie practiced her photography skills :)
 *Jo took an interest in baby dolls and her stroller! :)
 *Makenzie was VERY excited for her school Christmas party!!
 *Lastly, I just hung out at home a lot with this cute little girl! 

Friday, December 27, 2013

Instagram {December}

Kenzie loves her yearbook from last year.
She loves to look at it every night at show me all the kids she knows. 

 How cute is this mug?!?
Makes early mornings a little better when I get to sip my coffee from this sweet mug!
 Love them! :)
 I tried a new cookie recipe...and they were delicious! 
There is a Hershey kiss inside :)
 Jeff & Kenzie made these adorable snowmen while I was at work one day! 
 Jingle our elf hiding in the bows!
 We had a lot of excited mornings in December while waiting for the bus....Christmas couldn't not come fast enough!
 Doctor Jo!
 Going for a walk to the library on a snowy day!
 Kennie was super excited for her Christmas party at school!
 Gingerbread Baby at the library!
 Buddy the Elf!
Seriously, how cute is this!?!?
 Baby in Christmas pjs=absolutely adorable!
 Josie the ghost...don't worry she's nice like Casper! :)
 Playing with their new toys from Jeff's coworker! 
 Walking around town looking at Christmas lights/decorations....