Sunday, June 30, 2013

Instagram {June}

A few weeks back we had to take baby Jo to the doctor for an abscess!  
This was her 3rd abscess so I took her to see her peditrician to see what he had to say.  
Well...after waiting over an hour in the exam room he told us we had to go to the surgical clinic to have it drained...but since he made us wait so long the clinic was closed so we had to go over to the ER! 
After 5 more hours poor babe had it lanced, drained and packed!  
They sent us home with antibiotic and thankfully it didn't have to be repacked like sissy's had to be!  
It's healed and thankfully no more abscesses have appeared! 

This girl cracks me up...seriously, she says the cutest things!
Apparently, I say "f.y.i" a lot because she now says it all the time....
but she says it her own 4 year old way which sounds like "wifi e"! 
So throughout the day I'll hear...
"wifi e, Josie fell over"
"wifi e, I'm sitting there"
"wifi e, I'm hungry"

 Celebrating Makenzie's summer birthday in school! :)
She picked out cupcakes to bring to her class!

 Our little graduate! :)
 At the teddy bear picnic...dressed like it was winter!
My mom said it was chilly outside so I dressed her according to what my mom said.
My mom was was so hot! 
Poor girl started to melt.  
 Lovin' the pool....

 How cute are her little teeth?
 This girl does. not. sleep.  
I think i took this picture at midnight a week or so ago.

Saturday, June 29, 2013


June, are you really over?!?!
This month flew by!  We have officially started summer!
And if the rain would finally stop we could actually get to enjoy it!  

June in a nutshell....

*I started a new job...working part time at our village library.  It's great! About 20 hours a week and a 3 minute walking commute! Doesn't get much better than that!  So far I really like coworkers are great and all the patrons are so sweet!  And Kenzie thinks it's so cool that I work there! :)  

*We worked both of our schedules out so Jeff's with the girls when I'm at work. This is his first time being with both girls alone for longer than an hour or so.  He's been loving it!  Josie has been a great little babe for him and finally taking the bottle! :)  Makenzie loves being home with daddy too!

*Jeff took the girls (and Abbie) to a new petting zoo nearby the other day!  He's so brave!  :)

*I celebrated my 30th birthday!  Woa!  I have no idea how I'm 30 already...I remember being in college and thinking 30 was so old! haha!  

*We went to a teddy bear picnic at the story time!

*Celebrated Father's Day!  Jeff had to work all day long...yuck!  Kenzie spent all day making him a sign and we had to wait outside and hold it up for when he came home! was too cute! He's such a good daddy so the sign was well deserved! :)  

*Kenzie started a new class at church and has been loving it! We figured it was time for her to say goodbye to the 2 and 3 year old room since she is almost 5! :)  

*Jeff went to Queens for a golf outing (on my birthday!!) I just had to mention that! :) hehe...I don't think I will let him live that down anytime soon!  hehe JK love you! xoxo To his defense he didn't leave until night time so it wasn't too bad! :)

And here are some pictures! :)

2nd time I found Kenzie sleeping with her hand in the cuddle cuddle uppet! :)
 Someone mastered the crawl...

 I could just eat her all. day. long.
 this one too! :) {sometimes}

 I'm not looking for any pets but this dog has to be one of my favorites! If his owner asked me to adopt this little dog I wouldn't be able to refuse!  Luckily, the owner has no intention of asking! haha!
 Teddy bear picnic with Abbie! :)

Friday, June 28, 2013

8 months

Last week Josie turned 8 months! 
Yes, I know only 4 more months until we are celebrating her 1st birthday! 
All of a sudden she seems so old to me....
This is what Josie Marie is up to these days...
*Crawling!  She just started crawling in the past few days (around June 22...for my record).  It started out a funny little crawl with her two hands, one knee and one foot on the floor.  Now it's getting more like a typical crawl!
*Just started (within the last 2 days) pulling herself up to a standing positition!!  I was quite surprised yesterday when I went in our room to check on her (she was suppose to be sleeping!) and she was standing in the Pack 'n Play!!!  She flashed me that cute little smile like she was so proud of herself!  :)

*Wearing 6-9 month & 6-12 month clothes
*Size 3 diaper
*Getting better eating baby food...she still perfers veggies!  Weird, I know!  :) 

*Better at the bottle.  I just started a p/t job and Jeff has been giving her a bottle and she's been taking it like a champ!  The other day she drank 10 ounces! 
*Perfers to sit on the floor and play with her toys all around her rather than be in a bouncy chair or anything else...she still likes her jumperoo though!

*Loves bathtime
*Still a HORRIBLE sleeper.  I don't even feel like typing her sleeping issues! Lets just say she's lucky she's so stinkin' cute!! :) 
*Although she's bad at night she is a pretty good napper throughout the day.  She usually takes her first around 9-9:30 and her second nap around 1:30-2 and will sleep around 1 1/2 each time. 

*Loves her sissy.....Makenzie can get her to laugh so hard! It's so cute! :) 

*Loves being outside!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Goodbye Pre-K!

Today was Kennie's last day of UPK!  
Someone is headin' to Kindergarten!!


This has been a big year for miss sassy pants....

She started the year as an only child and a month into school she welcomed baby sister, broke her arm, learned all her letters, sounds, numbers, etc....made many new friends, went on 2 field trips (a farm and bowling), went to her first friend's birthday party, had fun riding the bus, filled out her first real Valentine's cards for friends, ate lunch at school every day, and so much more!

 (She said she put her hand like this b/c this is how she watches for the bus)

We are so proud of you...and I'm so excited to spend the summer with you! :)  
We love you so much Kenzie Faith!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

A Beautiful Day

On Sunday we had a beautiful day....
so after church we took advantage!
Big sister played while I took some pictures of this little beauty...
 I think she's photogenic like her sister! :) yay! 

 Sitting up for pictures is hard work...
 ...but after a quick break she was back ready for more!

 ....but then sissy came and wanted to maul join little sis in the pics!
Josie wasn't too sure she liked the company...
 ...but then she decided big sis can long as she keeps her hands to herself! :)