Wednesday, October 30, 2013

12 Months!

I can't believe this is my last monthly post!!
It truly feels as if I just started them!

Well anyway, here is our little JoJo at 12 months....

Lets start of with the big news first!!
*Almost sleeping through the night!! Woohoo!!  A few weeks ago I had enough.  I was tired and cranky and coffee wouldn't even work for me!  So a night of getting up like 6 times to nurse an almost one year old I decided it was time to let her cry it out.  And boy did she cry it out!  She was up for an hour and 45 minutes screaming and then for another 45 minutes screaming!  I was not giving in though!  The next night was a tad better and the next a little better...It's been about 3 weeks now.  She still gets up a couple times a night and cries but I do not nurse her throughout the night anymore (with the expection of a couple nights ago...I must have been sleepy b/c I didn't realize I had taken her out of the crib and was nursing her until a few minutes go by and I fully woke up!  Sneaky baby got a midnight nursing session! haha).  
*Walking everywhere, no more crawling for this girl!
*Waves bye bye, claps, and "dances" 
*Loves her blankie!
*Wears size 12 month & some 18 month clothes
*Size 3 diaper

*Jeff gave her a bottle of whole milk a few days after her birthday and she did well!  So as of now (10/30) she is only drinking whole milk bottles and nursing if I'm home.  Slowly, we will wean her down even more to eventually no more nursing/bottles soon!

*Loves waiting outside for sissy and gets so excited when she sees her bus!

*Points to everything she wants! So cute!

 We LOVE you so much Jo Jo Marie!!!! :)

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Josie's 1st Birthday!!!

Our baby is O-N-E! 
Saturday was little Josie Marie's 1st birthday!
This past year flew by!  
I seriously can't believe how quickly babies grow! 
It makes me sad!  
We had her party on her actual birthday.  
I personally like having her actual birthday and her party separate but we can't be picky, can we?!? :)  

We had her party at my sister's house.  We had family from Syracuse and New Jersey come!  And Justine and Tati made the trip from Goshen! :)  

Here is our little party girl....

Opening presents...
Time to sing! 
Love this picture! :)
Enjoying her first cupcake!!! :)
Feeling it out....
Tasting it...
Yup, I think she likes it! :)

Jo Jo and Abuelo (Jeff's Grandpa)
Cousin Drake had a little too much fun! :)

We love you so much Josie!
We can't wait to watch you grow some more!!! 

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Lilley Farms

Last Sunday Jeff had the day off and we headed over to Lilley Farms for some Fall fun! 
This was my first time there (Makenzie went there last year as a field trip).
We enjoyed the nice weather and the short drive (5 minutes!).  
There wasn't too much going's just a local farm that opens up for the public during the fall.  

We did enjoy a corn maze though...

...and a hayride out to the field to pick the perfect pumpkin

...and a tour of the barn!

and Makenzie's favorite a horse ride!  
She loved it!  
It was a whole lot better than those stingy pony rides at fairs 
that cost an arm and a leg to go in a circle once! 
The nice woman suggested that we put 'him' (Josie) up on the horse too!
She loved it! :)  
And looking back at these pictures I can't be too upset that she thought Josie was a "him".  
She does not keep bows or pony tails in these days and it drives me crazy!! :)
Makenzie and her huge pumpkin!

Thursday, October 10, 2013


Makenzie was so excited last week when she came home from school and there were enough leaves in our yard to rake!  You would have thought it was Christmas morning with how excited she was!  
Usually she's so slow after school...washing her hands, changing to play clothes, putting away her backpack....all take like 30 minutes!  But this day she was so excited about the leaf pile she was going to make that she was ready to go outside in like 2 minutes!  :)

 The ground was kind of wet. 
Baby sister wasn't a big fan.
 ....and she wasn't a big fan of me when I plopped her in the wet leaf pile!
 Sissy had fun though! :)