Lately Makenzie has been a writing/reading fanatic!
It's crazy to think that not too long ago she wasn't able to sound out words now that's all she does!
Since I work in a library I'm always on the hunt for some good easy readers!
I love to bring new books home and listen to her actually read them!
She always so proud of herself when she sounds out the whole book without help!
And I have learned to be patient.
In the beginning I would tell Makenzie the word as she was sounding it out and she would get so mad at me. but I am better now and she doesn't get mad at me as much! :)
In the beginning I would tell Makenzie the word as she was sounding it out and she would get so mad at me. but I am better now and she doesn't get mad at me as much! :)
Makenzie has been on a sign/note writing kick....
Right now our home is covered in signs.
I love it.
Here are some of Kenzie's signs/notes that she has made....
"I am sorry I am so grumpy"
The grumpy has been smudged a bit.
Makenzie wrote this one one morning after she got up on the wrong side of the bed! :)
One of my favorites....
It's actually not a sign but oh so cute.
The other night she made Jeff she drew a picture of herself and daddy holding hands with a heart in the middle! Melt. My. Heart!
She then gave it to Jeff to say she was sorry!
She has learned that I can not say no to a cute little note...
"Please one more movie"
"please play with me"
Come on, how can I say no to that?!? :)
The other day Josie pinched her fingers in a Makenzie got to work making signs to hang near each door!
If only Josie could read! :)
This is the one Makenzie is the most proud of...
A few days ago she asked me how to spell minion (from Despicable Me) I told her I didn't know.
So she sounded it out and came up with this...
I of course told her she was right.
If it were a real word then I would have corrected her but minion?!? :)
She was so happy she asked if she could text daddy "mainyan".
Daddy was at work and pretty confused when he received the text! :)