Monday, March 9, 2009

7 months old & 1st case of the sickies!

On Friday little Makenzie Faith turned 7 months old!! I can write a paragraph about how I can't believe she is already 7 months but I think I already covered that on her 6 month post and I'm sure I will say it again next month when she turns 8 months!

7 Special things about Kenize:

*For having TINY feet she has such SMELLY feet!

*She has decided she's too cute to eat veggies-she has a sweet tooth like her Mommy!

*She loves her stroller yet she refuses to smile while in it!

*I love the big smile she gives me every morning!

*She lays in her crib every morning fake coughing for at least 20 minutes before I pick her up

*She has a strange obsession with staring at her Aunt NeeNee

*I love that she has a mullet hair style!

I was unable to take any pictures on her 7 month birthday because baby girl was sick! She came down with a cold on Friday and was just miserable by Saturday! Since my pediatrician does not have weekend hours Jeff & I had to take her to the ER to get checked out. Turns out Kenziekins has a double ear infection! Poor girl...they sent her home with some ear drops and antibiotics. Her fever is gone but she is definitely not back to her normal self! I was a little disappointed- with all the breast milk that baby drinks I thought she would go a few years without any ear infections! Hopefully she wont get as many!

Here are a few pictures I took of Kenzie today....notice the onesie says "In my little world....bows are a must" How cute is that?!?

Today is her 1st day out of jammies! Thank you Tia Kathy & Abuela for this adorable sweat suit and for all the other very cute outfits!! :) Kenzie might have been a little too sick to enjoy them but it made Mommy VERY happy!! :)


Justine said...

That is too funny that she has smelly feet! In reading your post, I also remembered that Tatiana had what we called "stroller face", always serious, but she loved stroller rides too...babies are funny! Oh, and Tati def rocked the baby mullet at that age too!
Sorry to hear about Kenzie's ear infection, though having her 1st case of the sickies at 7 months is really good! Tati had her first fever at 6 months and we ended up taking her to the ER too cause we were visiting family didn't turn into anything serious but it def wasn't fun!
Oh, and I want to try making my own bows...if I get good, I'll make some for Kenzie:) Okay, I think this comment is it's own post...whoops!

alexandra's mommy said...

Gorgeous! I am glad she is feeling better! That must have been scary for you guys.
I love this post, I might have to steal it for when Alex turns 7 mos!