Thursday, April 16, 2009

Look who's standing...

I was VERY surprised on Saturday when I left the room for a second and came back to see Makenzie standing!!! I didn't even realize she was even close to standing!! Here are a few pics of her newest accomplishment!

The weather has been very nice here in NY!! Of course temperatures in the 70's would be a lot nicer but sunny and 60 in NY, you can't complain!
Here is Kenzie flying on the airplane swing...
trying to keep the sun out of her eyes during a walk...can't seem to keep them on her...I guess she would rather chew on them instead!
Just a cute random pic! :)
1st pigtails! I was very happy when I realized that she has enough hair for pigtails!

1 comment:

ji said...

sooo cute!! Love the airplane pic...can't wait to see you again, Kenzie!