14 Months....has it really been 2 months since she turned 1?!? I can't believe how fast time flies....Kenzie is continuing to be the sunshine in our lives and she brings so much joy to everyday!!
I feel like Kenzie has changed a lot since her birthday....everyday I'm learning a little bit more about her cute little personality.
Some of Kenzie's favorite things:
She loves Karen Katz flip-the-flap books!! Every time she "flips the flap" she will kiss the picture underneath...so cute! She also loves The Wheels on the Bus...she will bring it to us and dance as we sing it to her. She continues to love barney and if she sees the DVD she will say "Ba Ba Ba" until we turn it on for her! Her cousins introduced her to the Kid Songs DVDs so when we moved out we knew we had to find her some! The cow use to be mine....I actually got it for my first Christmas. Kenzie was scared of it at first b/c it "moo's" but now she loves it! The monkey also use to be mine....it's a puppet so Kenzie will bring it to me to put it on my hand and then kiss it! Also very cute! :)
Another one of Kenzie's favorite things...I know this crib toy is probably meant for a baby of about 6 months but since Kenzie is new to a crib (she slept in her Pack 'n Play in our Queen's apt & when we first moved upstate) so we just put it up for her! She loves it....maybe too much! The other day she woke up at 5 AM and instead of going back to sleep like she usually does she decides to play with her new crib toy for about 30 minutes until she decides she wants to get out of bed at 5:30 on a weekend! :)
Blankie continues to be Kenzie's most favorite possession...but I don't think her duckie tub is that far behind...if she were able to carry the huge blow up duckie around with her I think she definitely would! She also LOVES dogs & cats and she has been begging us to take her to Uncle Scott's to visit Mika! hehe :)
Another favorite of Kenzie's...
A couple of Kenzie's favorite things to do:
turn on/off printer, turn on/off answering machine, finding me to bring me all the shoes she can find of mine and watches me until I put them on, playing with her cousins, taking a bath, put chap stick on, and pretty much anything she's not suppose to be doing...hehe :)
I heart that donut picture! I can't belive she is 14 months already...where did the time go? See you today! We can't wait!
PS Mika go sprayed by a skunk last night! As did I, and the whole house! I don't know how Scott is skunk-free but we are all done with feeding any animals outside. We think it is living under the deck! He gave Mika a bath and she smells great! So don't make fun of me today if I have a faint skunk-smell!!!
Cute pictures! Time flies when you are having fun!
Kamree has that same outfit from the Children's Place. I just love it!
Hope you have a great week!
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