Kenzie & I started the new year with a play date with cousin Abbie! When I told Kenzie Abbie was coming over she quickly ran to the door...waiting to see her BFF! It was so cute!
Kenzie was very happy at first to see little Abbie....she blew millions of kisses and did a "happy dance" when she saw Abbie! I thought the babies would entertain themselves and I could go about my business....WRONG!

Boy, to 1-year-olds know how to fight! I couldn't believe it at first how much they teased each other and just fought over every single toy! There were a lot of pushes, hits and bad looks...but when they weren't fighting they had a lot of fun t/g!
Kenzie did this so many times...I'm not sure what she is trying to do but it usually ends up with Abbie being pushed to the ground and then Kenzie being hit.

They both had to be on the step stool at the same time! At one point they were both standing facing the kitchen and Abbie was directly behind Kenzie....Abbie had a great view of the back of Kenzie's head! By the time I grabbed my camera, Abbie must have realized that looking at the back of Kenzie's head is not too much fun and started fighting for the front of the stool! Haha!
The girls watching Kid Songs dvd....past Kenzie's bedtime but I let it slide since Abbie was over....didn't want to embarrass Kenzie! :)
At one point Abbie put her Crock on.....and sure enough Kenzie had to do the same thing and put one of Abbie's Crocks on. Everything Abbie did Kenzie had to do the same thing!
They played like this (with one Crock on) for some time.... it made me laugh how funny Kenize walked with one Crock on that is a couple sizes to big!
Abbie even took a bath in Kenzie's duckie tub! Abbie seemed to really enjoy it until Kenzie overwhelmed her with bath toys!
OMG-this post made me laugh so hard!!!! I love the pics of each of the girls wearing one croc! What a fun little play date! Just let me know when you want to schedule another!!!
Hahaha...I wish I could have seen this, 1 year old fights sound hilarious! The part about Kenzie staying up past her bedtime to avoid embarrassment cracks me up!!
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