Happy Valentine's Day! We had a nice quiet day...Jeff had to work so Kenzie and I spent most of the day indoors!
Jeff & I wanted to celebrate V-Day yesterday since he had to work all day today...so we waited until Kenzie woke up from a nap and then ventured out. We had to stop by a couple stores before we went out to dinner. At the 2nd store Kenzie decided she had enough shopping and she wanted to eat! I managed to get her in her car seat despite the huge meltdown! We choose the closest restaurant which was The Outback....1 hour wait! No way....so we headed back to the car with a screaming toddler, pointing to her mouth for food! I somehow managed to get her back in her car seat despite Kenzie's superhero strength trying to stop me! We drove by Fridays....the parking was way too crowded to even stop...so we kept on driving with a SCREAMING baby in the back. We tried Red Lobster....over 1 hour wait! This time I ran in without taking Kenzie out! So we were off again....and you know where we ended up? McDonalds! Haha! Definitely not the Valentine dinner I wanted but at least Kenzie was happy!
Yesterday Kenzie had another little play date with Abbie!
I managed to take a few cute pictures of the girls but then they just started making funny faces....haha
I had to laugh when I compared both of these pictures...Abbie & Kenzie have the same exact face! hehe...they are too cute!
Great pics! I love a good Mickey D's trip...veggie big macs are my fave! We can't wait to see you all today!!!
I wonder who taught who that face at the end...so funny! I think maybe Tatiana may have been giving Kenzie some pointers on how to make sure you stay an only child...lol! I'd love to come over and play w/ Kenzie sometime (or hang out while she's sleeping) so you and Jeff can make up for the McDonald's V-day dinner:)
your sweet mackenzie is just darling--what sweet girls, and a lovely photo!!!!!!!!!!!! my name is kate landers, and i saw you were so kind to become a follower of my blog at http://www.katelandersevents.blogspot.com. i just wanted to thank you for following, and introduce myself! you have a beautiful family. i love all the pink your sweet mackenzie wears! darling!!!!
if you haven't already, i would invite you to enter my birthday giveaway going on right now, you may enjoy it for an upcoming event. :) and of course, always feel free to share it, post it--spread the word to anyone else you think would enjoy such treats!
i welcome you to e-mail me anytime at info@katelandersevents.com, and of course you can always leave me a comment as well. if you ever have a party theme you would like to see, or if you have any questions, ideas, suggestions, tips--i would love to hear from you!
thank you again for following, and i look forward to staying in touch!
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