Today I came home from work to a very sweet surprise...
Kenzie went poopoo in potty for the 1st time!! She hasn't even went pee pee in the potty yet!
I was so excited! So was my mom-she called me at work with the news! hehe :)
We haven't even started potty training her...I was going back and forth with when to actually start. We already have a potty for her but we haven't put it out yet. Every night before her bath I sit her on the big potty to see if anything happens....and nothing happens! I asked her tonight if she wanted to go potty and ran away from me and hid next to our I'm still little convinced she's not quite ready to actually start training! haha!
I realized the other day I haven't done a post with random things Kenzie's saying or doing....
Since I don't scrapbook or write these things down I definitely need to stay on top of these things on the blog....
*Kenzie loves stickers! On this particular day she stuck them in her hair first but then decided to stick them all over her face and then on Mommy's face a few minutes after that...
*Loves chapstick! I caught her putting chapstick on her doggie the other day! So cute!
*Has a new obsession with Aunt NeeNee! She has a picture of Aunt NeeNee and over the weekend she carried it everywhere....she even had to take it to bed!
*Everyday it seems like she's saying something new....her most recent words: no-no (while shaking her finger) coffee, thank you, baush (which Jeff & I have no idea what it means but she says it all the time! we can not figure it out-sometimes she will point to the computer and say it other times out the window), love you, Scott, Emily, outside, night night, mouse, chicken, hot dog, breakfast (one of my favorite), bunny, neigh (for horse), Sophie, Titi (Jeff's sister)....
*Dogs continue to be her favorite animals....followed by cats! On this particular day I had to force Kenzie into her highchair without her doggies. I set doggies on the table next to her and told her she could have them when she was done eating. I left for a moment and came back to see that she stuffed her doggies in the highchair with her! hehe
*Loves she is playing in the rain with her rain coat...we just need to get her some rain boots now!
*Says "up" for up and down. When we are carrying her and she's trying to get down she'll scream "up"...Jeff & I love it!
*Likes to point out dog poo outside during walks...and will repeat it over and over again!
*Thinks every dog is Mazie (my mom's 100 lb Rottweiler! It doesn't matter if it's a small dog or big dog-they are all Mazie!)
*Loves to walk a few houses down to see 2 big blow up Easter Bunnies!
*Loves to walk a few houses down to see 2 big blow up Easter Bunnies!
*Once again not a fan of the bath-not sure why it changes from week to week? Lately I've had to bathe her standing up while hysterically crying!
*Loved to look at the Easter Bunny at the mall and wave & throw kisses but REFUSED to get within a couple feet of him....oh well...there's always next year for a cute picture!
What a cutie, it looks like Kenzie's world is super fun! I have to admit I hesitated to read this post because I thought the title said "Poo Poo Pictures"! I was like ummm, I'll pass. Glad to see I misread and there were no pictures of poop, just Kenzie's adorable smiling face!
How funny! I love that little rain coat. See you soon!
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