Spring Break so far has been both fun & relaxing! It's such a nice feeling going to bed at night knowing I can spend the whole next day with Kenzie! It makes me very excited for Summer! :)
We've been doing some fun things here and there but mostly just relaxing at home-playing on Kenzie's slide, taking walks, looking for rocks....
We've been doing some fun things here and there but mostly just relaxing at home-playing on Kenzie's slide, taking walks, looking for rocks....
On our way food shopping we decided to stop at the park to let Kenzie play a little bit...
She spent most of her time on the swing! She refused to get off!
Playing outside...

She definitely has her daddy's eyes!
Looking in our neighbors yard for their dog! She obviously doesn't care about privacy! :)

Tonight I was in my bathroom when I realized we were out of toilet paper. So I called for Kenzie and asked her to bring me the new package of tp from the hallway (TMI? haha). I thought she would know what I was talking about b/c she's been using the tp as a chair today but she was taking forever to bring it to me! Finally, she came in with tons and tons of tp! She was in her bathroom unrolling the paper the whole time....
Tomorrow Jeff is off so we are having a family fun day! We're taking Kenzie to the Children's Discovery Center here in Binghamton! Yay! Hopefully I'll get some cute pics so I can post them! :)
Love waking up to new pics and posts! The one with Kenz sticking her head between the fence is my fave. Just think... a few more weeks and summer break will be here! Count them down!
Hehe...that's a lot of TP!
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