A couple weeks ago Jeff, Kenzie & I went down to NJ for the weekend. We decided to Baptize Kenzie this summer with her cousin Drake. Jeff grew up Catholic and it was important to him that Kenzie would be baptized in a Catholic church.
I was a little nervous about the service...I had envisioned a crazy toddler screaming to get down, trying to run away and then throwing herself on the floor out of anger. But, to my surprise Kenzie was wonderful!
After, Jeff's sister Kathy planned a little family get together....
Kenzie had a great time running around and playing with cousins and family she doesn't get to see very often...
We tried to get a picture of Kenzie with her Godparents, Jeff's cousin Gloria & her husband Danny, but unfortunately none of the pictures turned out well...but I did manage to get some pictures of their adorable son Aidan....
Kenzie with her older cousin, Gabrielle.....She's such a sweetheart and cutie pie! Kenzie loved playing with her! Even though Kenzie is closer in age to the little boys she wanted to be play with Gabrielle! We wish they all lived closer so the kids could all play more! Gloria & Betty: if you ever want to leave Long Island/Staten Island you can always come upstate! :)
One of Jeff's aunts...Aunt Diana...Kenzie just loves playing with her!
Some of Jeff's family....
Kenzie and Aidan had several kisses I missed that day. Maybe Gloria's wish of them getting together in the future will come true lol. You got great pics the ones people took with my camara are not that good.
Congrats! She looks so beautiful!
LOVE all those dark haired babies! Beautiful!!! :)
Seriously, you have one beautiful little girl on your hands...every picture is better than the last:)
Glad to see you guys are staying cool!
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