Last weekend Jeff, Kenzie & I took a trip to NJ (to see Jeff's family) and Long Island for a friend's wedding! We had planned on leaving Kenzie at my mom's house for the night but we decided to make a weekend out of it and we ended up staying in NJ with Jeff's family! We were planning on spending a night in LI but the wedding was during the day so the reception was over by 6 so we came back to Jersey that night. We didn't get to see how Kenzie would do at night time without mommy & daddy! :)
Just a trip through memory lane.....
We drove through the city to get to LI.....I miss the city! I don't necessarily miss living there with Kenzie but there are certain things that I just miss and love about it! It's such a tease to drive through the city without stopping anywhere!
I thought this was a cool picture of the George Washington Bridge....I forgot people aren't suppose to take pictures of the bridges...I read the sign and quickly put away my camera! :) I didn't want to be interrogated by the FBI/CIA!

Driving through the Bronx....although I miss the city the BX is not a borough I miss too much...but it is nice to drive through it! It was a beautiful Sunday morning to drive.....absolutely no traffic! We were able to get from NJ to LI in a little over an hour! When does that ever happen?!?! Going home it took well over 2! Ugh!

The wedding was on the was beautiful! It was a perfect day too....about 65-70 degrees...again, when does that happen in NY (in October!)

While we were at the wedding
Kenzie was spending the day with Jeff's family! She had a lot of fun! They always spoil her when she's there with gifts and attention!

I have to laugh at this picture of
Kenzie....I think she was in the middle of a
Kenzie's defense she had a long and eventful day without a nap and was up late the night before! :) was so nice to see little Drake again (also known as "
Brayden" to
Kenzie....she knows the difference b/t the 2 babies yet kept on calling him the wrong name)! He is such a cutie!!!!
Kenzie loved playing with him....she's tickling him in this pic...