Our weekend started out on Friday morning. Kenzie & I treated ourselves to Starbucks (with a gift card from a 5th grader from last year!). I haven't had Starbucks since we moved upstate so the Caramel Frappuccino tasted amazing but a drink for over $4, seriously? When I worked in Manhattan I would tell myself every week not to go to Starbucks but when there is one at every block and one right downstairs from my old job then couldn't you?!? It was definitely a bad habit that I'm very happy to have overcome!! :) Now, If only Jeannine & I could get over our Sonic soda addictions! :) 

After Starbucks, Jeff & I took Kenzie to the park. This park is usually packed but being a Friday and the nearby students had school it was empty! It was great to let Kenzie run around without having to worry about Kenzie getting lost in the millions of other kids! 

...and this one before the pony pinata!

On Saturday Kenzie & I (Jeff had to work) went to Sophia & Ella's 5th birthday party! Sophie and Ella had a wonderful time and we had a great time spending time with family! I can't believe my little nieces are 5!! I didn't really take any pictures with my camera but I did take this one of Kenzie before we left...
Yummy! There's just something about fall that makes you want to drink something hot! Love Kenzie's outfit from the party, wish they had it in my size :)
Don't you just love mother/daughter outings?
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