Here are some pictures from last week! The week started out pretty chilly but by the end of the week the weather was beautiful! We (Kenzie & I....Jeff, not so much) have been getting into the Christmas spirit this week! Kenzie & I have been watching a lot of Christmas movies and reading Christmas books and of course listening to Christmas music! I just love this time of year! Jeff & I also took care of most of our Christmas shopping this past week too! :)
Kenzie playing with her bean tub....
I'm not sure if I ever posted pictures of her bean tub but she loves it! I got the idea from another blog that I follow and just loved the idea! I bought the bin at Walmart and just filled it with beans and some sand toys! It's not too messy...and it keeps Kenzie busy for quite some time! Sometime this winter I want to make another smaller bin of uncooked pasta (I just got that idea this week from the same blog! I wish I could come up with these ideas on my own! hehe).

Kenzie and the turkeys....or also known as "chickens"! A house
few houses down decorates for every holiday and Kenzie loves their decorations! We have to walk by them a few times a week so Kenzie can look at them! 
This day was rather chilly so we went for a quick walk just to get out of the house for a bit.....

She sang Ring Around the Rosie over and over again as she walked in circles around a tree...
On Tuesday we went to the library for the story of The Gingerbread Baby!
Before we left for the library.... 
After the story the kids decorated a gingerbread baby! Here is a picture of Kenzie's cookie!
We also went back to story time! I think this winter we will be spending a lot of time at the library! Kenzie always has fun there, it's a short 3-4 minute walk from our house and everything is FREE! :) She enjoyed story time but she was not the best behaved little one! She picks her nose all the time now and she started doing it during the I just casually brushed her finger out of her nose. Well Kenzie wasn't too happy. She (very loudly) told me not to touch her and got up and stood in the corner, covering her face (when she covers her face she thinks I can't see her) and picked her nose! Yea, I was little embarrassed! I wasn't sure to let her pick or make a bigger scene and make her get back on the rug with the other kids...but at that point who wants to sit next to a bugger picking little girl...esp when this week's topic was GERMS! hahaha!

hahahaha I just burst out laughing reading about your little bugger picker!! So cute :)
I love that little buger picker! We have to get t/g soon!
How fun! She is such a busy little girl:) And creative I might add(I love the tub idea also...I use to put other messy materials in it like rice, oobleck, goo and goop, beads, puzzles, and more. Also if you are brave try marble painting(tape paper on the bottom with some drops of paint and marbles. close. and have her shake, shake, shake!. I'm sure she will love it)! Will we see you on Tofurkey Day? (just kidding about you harassing me about my lack of posting pics:)Brayden sends kisses!
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