Our Christmas Eve was pretty relaxing. Jeff worked early and was out at 3 so he was able to enjoy Christmas Eve night with us! :) Kenzie & I started out the day relaxing and cleaning. I told Kenzie I had to clean in order for Santa to come. Today while I was picking up she asked me if I was cleaning for Santa! :) I also gave Kenzie a bath! I don't think I have ever been so excited to give her a bath before....it's been over a week...so let's just say she was well overdue for a clean little body! (BTW...her boo boo looks so much better! I don't think it even bothers her anymore....she's still protective of the area but I think she's more afraid of it hurting than it actually being painful) Anyway, back to Christmas Eve...around 3 we headed over to my sister's house and met Jeff there for a very delicious dinner before church.
Here are some pictures before church...
Kenzie wasn't the best behaved at church but she's 2 so I think she was the best she could be! :) At one point she loudly said "don't push me daddy!" when Jeff was trying to get her back in her seat! haha...and then she started a little fight with the boy next to us! Despite the very wiggly 2 year old with us, we were able to enjoy the Christmas Eve service!
After church I was trying to get Kenzie excited to come home to see if Santa brought her new jammies..and I guess I confused her. She was under the assumption that Santa was going to be at our house when we got home! So when she came in she wanted nothing to do with her new pj's and Dora slippers but instead searched for Santa! She was quite disappointed and a turned into a little drama queen when we told her Santa wasn't in our house! :) Not quite the reaction I was looking for! hehe....but she did look very cute in her new jammies! :)
Christmas post coming soon!
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