This week was a busy week! Jeff went back to work! And on Thursday he had his appt. with his oncologist! Unfortunately I wasn't able to go with him but I wrote down a list of questions to ask! :) His doctor said that Jeff caught the cancer very early!! Yay! He doubts he will need chemo or radiation since it was caught very early but on Thursday he will need a full body scan to make sure it did not spread anywhere. If the cancer did spread then he will most likely need chemo or radiation but if not then he will be considered cured (I think...from what I understand at least)! If no other spots show up on the scan then Jeff will have to be scanned every 6 months for the next 3 years. So I will keep you updated after his scan on Thursday...even though we are sure the results will be good! :)
This week started out kinda rough! On Sunday we discovered Kenzie had another abscess on her fanny! She had been complaining about a boo boo on her fanny yet I dismissed it, thinking she was still babying her old booboo. Right before we were going to leave for church we decided to look for a boo boo on her fanny just to make sure...and sure enough, Kenzie was right she had another booboo! So we called the on call pediatrician who prescribed an antibiotic & advised us to come in the next morning. The doctor took one look at it and knew it had to be drained...which I was so hoping it didn't have to be! We figured it would be just like last time but this time (since it returned so fast) they decided to admit Kenzie for the night in the hospital to give her antibiotics through an IV and do the procedure under general anesthesia in the OR.
Kenzie was a little nervous with all the doctors, medical students and nurses coming to talk to her, taking her blood pressure, temp. etc...luckly Santa bought her a doctor kit for Xmas which seemed to help make her familiar with their equipment! A nurse took her out of the room (with out me) to start her IV and Kenzie didn't even cry when the nurse poked her! A couple minutes later another nurse came by to draw blood (this time I was with her) and she cried and cried when this nurse poked her with the needle! It's funny how tough kids can be without their mamas nearby! She had a lot of fun...before the procedure playing in the playroom and watching dvds...(the pics are from my phone so some are a little dark)

After the little surgery she was a wreck! It took her so long to calm down! A nurse even tried to calm her down and Kenzie tried to hit the nurse! She finally calmed down when a nurse offered her ice cream! After the ice cream she was fine...and we watched Barbie in her bed over & over again until I said it was time for bed at 10:15!

The next morning she woke up bright and early! She was a little confused about her glowing finger (they put it on her after she fell asleep).

She was very hungry! The day before she only had breakfast and then ice cream at night! So she had a big breakfast! :)

She also had a big lunch....

Before we were discharged they had to pull out Kenzie's packing (the stuff they put in her wound to soak up puss/discharge/blood) and then repack it! I was dreading it and I wanted to faint when the nurse said she wanted us to do it at home! I knew right away I wouldn't be able to do it so Jeff said he'll try to learn.....well it was a lot harder than we thought so the nurse was able to set us up with a home health care nurse to come daily to pack the wound! To say I was a little relieved would be a huge understatement!
Kenzie was asleep minutes after leaving the hospital parking lot....

Today the nurse came and said it probably didn't have to be packed anymore!! We were so happy (esp since one of the nurses at the hospital said it might have to be packed for 2 weeks)!! Luckily I was working every time the nurse came by but from what I hear from Jeff, Kenzie was horrible when they had to unpack it and then pack it! Poor girl! Jeff said she tried so hard to get away that he was sore after holding her down! Today Kenzie's nurse brought in her puppy at the very end of her visit to show Kenzie! Kenzie LOVED it! The puppy was a cute little 3 pound Pom-Chi (half Pomeranian, half chiwawa)!