We haven't been up to too much this past week or so! Jeff had his scan to check for any remaining cancer....we will find out the results next week, but his doctor is very optimistic about it! Kenzie's boo boo is almost completely better! Yay! It hasn't been packed in about a week which makes us very happy...especially Kenzie! You should have heard the screams from our sweet little girl when the nurse would come! Today the nurse is coming for one last time to check the booboo!
The weather has been wet and cold so we have been inside alll day, everyday! We've been watching a lot of Toy Story 3, playing with our new Christmas toys, playing doctor and making crafts (well my version of crafts! I'm not crafty at all). Tia Kathy bought Kenzie a bunch of crafts for Christmas and not a day goes by where Kenzie doesn't ask to make a "craff". Kenzie will first ask "mommy work today?" if I say no she will say "mommy make craff with me?" It's too cute, how can I say no to that? Lucky for me, Kenzie is satisfied with just playing with a glue stick, or tape or coloring...I guess I have to overcome my lack of craftiness for the years to come!
Here are some pictures from the past week or so...

Daddy's Falcon's cheerleader coloring!
1st braided pigtails! She thought she was so cool with her braids! :)
What a gorgeous girl! Her hair is getting so long(I heart the braids!) I am glad that she is feeling better! We need to make a plan to get together....well after this snow melts a little:) Miss you all sooooooooo much! Brayden sends kisses to Kenz!
All I have to say is...it's good to be Kenzie! Her life seems like so much fun...even in the middle of winter!
Your blogs are so interesting! =) I always enjoy reading them. I love all the pictures of Kenzie and all the little unique things about her <3 I saved some pictures cuz she is tooo darn cute!
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