Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Jumping Jungle
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Happy Spring!
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Last weekend Jeannine, my mom and I took the girls to see farm animals at the mall! They all had so much fun! I didn't take any pictures in the mall but this one proves how much fun they had.....
All asleep except this little guy....who was staring at me while I was taking the pictures!
After the mall Jeannine and I took all 5 kids (all 5 and under) out to Burger King for lunch. Surprisingly it went well....at first. Jeannine had just commented how well lunch was going when within minutes everything fell apart! 4 out of the 5 kids were crying/screaming! At one point Sophia was mad at Jeannine so she told Abbie "cry Abbie cry!". Jeannine made a quick getaway to the car (with her kids) but I was left with Kenzie. She has had many public tantrums but this was far the worst! She screamed, hid in the booth, hid under the booth, went limp and then finally walked out (on her knees). It was horrible....I couldn't even make eye contact with anyone....I just kept my head down and got in the car as fast as possible!
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On a positive note, one of Kenzie's favorite things to do now is to hide! Some of her hiding places really crack me up....

My favorite....I came in my room....I heard some giggles and saw a big poof of hair but had NO idea where Kenzie was...
Please don't be fooled by this sweet face....she has been such a stinker!!!
Thursday, March 10, 2011
"Princess Ballerina" and more....
The theme this week was "I am special"....they made this cute name ribbon craft...I thought it was very cute!
I might have made a huge mistake...I let Kenzie use scissors yesterday and now all she asks for now is to "play" with scissors! She spent a 1/2 hour yesterday cutting paper...haha how fun! My first double stacked bow....I might have spent 3 hours on this and maybe it's not perfect but it turned out a lot better than expected! :)
Monday, March 7, 2011
This picture is right before she fell to the ground.
Friday, March 4, 2011
Fresh Air
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Cute Conversations

Some conversations I do not want to forget:

She has also been going through a "Big Baby" stage (just imagine Big Baby from Toy Story 3..she acts just like her!). It can get very annoying! She can go through a whole conversation speaking in baby talk and it drives me nuts! And it's not just a baby voice, it's not even words, more like baby sounds! At 2 I know it's not too bad but lets hope by 3 this baby phase is over! The other day I was asking her a simple question like "Do you want a drink?".....she spent 5 minutes acting like Big Baby with a lot of "ahhhh" "oooh" "gaaaa"....finally I was so fed up I said "SPEAK!" and then she goes "roof!" Hahaha...Not exactly what I was looking for! I guess she's going through a weird phase of wanting to be a big baby/dog!