Some conversations I do not want to forget:
Kenzie: "Mommy, Friends is on!!"
Me: "I know Sweetie!"
Kenzie: "Mommy, I'm so proud of you. Give me five."
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For the past couple weeks or so Kenzie has added the word "first" to almost everything....weird being that she's an only child....obviously she's always first. I was hugging Kenzie the other day and said "I love you so much"....Kenzie then answered "I love you so much too, first!" Hehehe

She has also been going through a "Big Baby" stage (just imagine Big Baby from Toy Story 3..she acts just like her!). It can get very annoying! She can go through a whole conversation speaking in baby talk and it drives me nuts! And it's not just a baby voice, it's not even words, more like baby sounds! At 2 I know it's not too bad but lets hope by 3 this baby phase is over! The other day I was asking her a simple question like "Do you want a drink?".....she spent 5 minutes acting like Big Baby with a lot of "ahhhh" "oooh" "gaaaa"....finally I was so fed up I said "SPEAK!" and then she goes "roof!" Hahaha...Not exactly what I was looking for! I guess she's going through a weird phase of wanting to be a big baby/dog!
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Something not so cute but a little funny.....
She went though a phase of telling us she doesn't like us when she's mad. Whenever she will say it she goes straight to time out so now she has learned not to say that she doesn't like mommy and daddy...she now will get mad and say "I don't like....(looking around the room)....floor, chair, food, toys, flowers, window, etc"....anything she can see around her! It's tough not to laugh when she's being such a stinker!
Hahaha I love reading your blog. I crack up all the time. I burst out laughing at the "woof" comment!!! How hilarious. She's a very smart little girl ;)
How funny! I have first graders that sometimes talk like babies:) Also....the last story reminded me of Anchorman when Brick says, "I love desk...I love lamp...." LOVE AND MISS YOU GUYS!
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