This past week we've been on the go.....2 bounce houses, Kid's Fair, library, play group at church, Family fun night at church, mall, Easter bunny, playground...
Here are some pictures from the last week....
Today we went to a Kid's Fair at our local community college. Kenzie had a lot of fun....the college had many different stands set up for different hands on play....she loved it!
(I think this was Kenzie's favorite....the big parachute!)
They had a whole stand set up of one of Kenzie's favorite books "Chicka Chicka Boom Boom"...
After the Kid's Fair we stopped by the mall to see the Easter luck this year of getting a picture of Kenz with him...she was not having it...and Jeff tried bribing her with everything he could think of too! We then continued our day of fun at the park....
Look how high this slide is! Kenzie was fearless as I'm sure most kids how come as we get older we get more wimpy!?!?!
busy, busy. Kenzie is adorable...u two should def have more soon!
Busy Girl! Can't wait to see you tomorrow!
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