Monday, May 16, 2011

Spring So Far...

It's been awhile since I've updated! I tried last week but blogger was acting funny so I ended up deleting the post I started! So here are some pictures from the last month.....

We celebrated Jeff's Birthday!

Kenzie & I made him a cake...

We have tried to play outside as much as possible....

We had a flood...but surprisingly we were able to swing on these sings within days of this picture!

We ate a lot of ice cream....and it's not even June yet!

Went to the playground....

Went to the track...

(I think we may have a runner...we got to the track and she just took off...she ran around the whole track, 1/4 of a mile, without resting!! She would slow down to look to see if I was still behind her and then take off again!)

And lastly, we've spent the last month wearing pretty Spring dresses! Yay! :)


Justine said...

Blogger was so annoying last week! I had no idea u guys got flooded...that pic with the swings is crazy. I can't wait for a sunny spring get together with u girls...looks like we like to do the same things...big surprise...hehe!

Emily said...

That's a lot of water! Kenzie is still as cute as ever! Can't wait to see you on Saturday!