It's officially SUMMER! Yay! What's not to love about summer!?!? So far the summer started a little rough though! Jeff had another surgery yesterday! He has cancer again....another kind, completely unrelated to his Testicular Cancer he had 6 months ago! This time it's in his Thyroid Gland but again it's a VERY beatable cancer with great survival rates (like almost 100%!). So yesterday he went in and got his whole gland removed and he will need radiation to kill off any remaining cells. But so far he's recovering a lot quicker than from the previous surgery and now he's home and Kenzie & I are taking care of him! :)
We hope he recovers quickly b/c another thing we are doing this summer is....getting married! Woohoo! July 30 to be exact! It's going to be a tiny with just immediate family...we wish we could invite all our friends but we have to keep it small and simple! :)
So besides surgery & wedding planning we've had some fun here and there....
-We played with our shadows and took pictures of them!
-We survived a flash flood! This happened within 15 minutes! So crazy how quickly it can happen!
-Kenzie decided to pass out right before shopping!
-Kenzie gave herself a manicure! I would have normally laughed at this but just 5-10 minutes before this I specifically told her not to get marker on her hands b/c the markers were not the washable kind and we were leaving soon...and I came back into the room to find this! hahaha...not bad actually...maybe she can do my nails for the wedding!?! :)