Happy June! The weather has been gorgeous! Sunny & warm!
Just b/c I have neglected my blog here are some pics from the last week...
Kenzie has been lining up her toys and then asking me to take a picture of them....
*She has a song she made up that she sings....it goes like this "Happy Birthday to you, you make me happy, 1-2-3-4"
*We were eating at a Chinese Restaurant right in town and every time someone would come in she would stare them down and say "what's the big idea!?!"
*She got mad at me the other day and in a mad voice sang to me (with a mad face too)"I know you, I know you, you're Kee Kee you're Kee Kee" (weird, I know!)
*I was trying to get Kenzie to go potty but she was too busy looking at everything around the toilet instead of actually peeing...so I said "Kenzie, just go peepee!" And then she goes "I is going peepee....just r-e-l-a-x"
*Lately she has been saying funny things in her sleep...the other day she was sleeping with me and she gets up at like 4 am and wants ice cream! I laughed thinking she's talking in her sleep but then she gets up and walks toward the kitchen! haha...I quickly get her and put her right back to our bed and then she sings herself back to sleep..."I want ice cream, I want ice cream...laa laa laa...I want ice cream I want ice cream...laaa laa laa"
*During the same night she woke up to tell me Abbie pulled her hair, which I think was a dream! Haha I don't think Abbie snuck over here in the middle of the night to pull Kenzie's hair! :)
*A few weeks ago Jeff came home after getting his hair cut and Kenzie said "look mom a handsome man!"
*The other day we were out and about and Kenzie was being pretty naughty. We were in the bathroom and she looked at me and asked "mommy, why is your face red?" And I told her it's b/c I'm mad that she's not being a good girl. The next day she walked up to Jeff with her hands crossed and said "I'm mad, my face red!"
*Jeff & I were talking about a wedding we are going to soon and Kenzie asked to come with us. We just agreed since the wedding is not until July (knowing she'll forget by then) and Kenzie gets excited and runs to her room and says "ok I go get my princess shoes!"
Haha...she cracks me up! The funny things they say and the cuteness gets u through the hard times for sure!
Love this post! I was cracking up while reading! She is too funny!
OMG I'm dying laughing! She is SO FREAKIN ADORABLE!!!!!! <3 <3 LOL
This is Nataly by the way =P
I am sitting here at the computer laughing!! This post was adorable :) If the wedding that you are talking about in July is mine, tell Kenzie she is more than welcome to come but only if she wears her princess shoes <3
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