I have been such a bad blogger this summer!! Maybe we have been having so much fun that I've been forgetting to blog!?!?! Or maybe I was busy planning a wedding!?!?! (Pics coming soon btw!!) Or maybe I'm just thinking of excuses?!?! :) We've been busy having some summer fun lately....which means nothing crazy just some slip 'n slide action, sonic soda/slushie runs, riding bikes, playing outside.....
This past weekend Jeff, Kenzie & I went to Long Island to celebrate our wedding with his friends! Since we had such a tiny wedding his best man planned a bbq for all his friends to come and celebrate..it was great! I will post some pics soon! :)
Here is what we've been up to....
Having fun on the slip 'n slide.....

Having a peanut party....
(all 4 girls sat on at the table for about an hour just cracking and eating the peanuts....obviously we don't have any peanut allergies in our family!)
We've spent our rainy days either inside coloring....
or lining up our princesses and then adding the biggest princess (Kenzie) to the line! :)
Miss M has spent a lot of time in this particular dress...I think this dress might go in Summer 2011's Hall of Fame! :) She loves it...and so do her cousins (they all have one too, in different colors). Dressing kids can be so cheap....$5 for this dress @ Walmart! :)
(on this day she added a little touch....2 bows! :)
On this rainy day we had to pull out the bean tub!
But of course, all this fun makes us thirsty....we've spent a lot of time slurping on slushies...
And with all this fun we get super tired! :)