I can't believe this was our little Kenzie 3 short years ago....
Here are a some things Miss Makenzie is up to at 3....
*Loves to ride her bike and will often try to do funny tricks on it (pedal with one foot, hold on with one hand, etc.)
*Loves to play rough....I don't remember the last time I played with her without me getting hurt! hehe I think she longs for a brother! :)
*Talks about poopy ALL THE TIME! We've tried to ignore it, we've tried to address it....nothing works, this girl cannot say a sentence without poopy, peepee, fanny, poopy dance, etc....
Some of her recent poopy talk:
Me: Kenzie what do you want for your birthday?
Me: Kenzie what do you want for your birthday?
Kenzie: poopy
Me (on a different day): what do you want to do on your birthday?
Kenzie: Um...just play...with poopy
Kenzie (while playing with her Rapunzel tower): "Rapunzel let down your poopy" (instead of let down your hair)
And last but certainly not least was a conversation I had with her on the phone while Jeff and I were in NYC...
Me: How are you hunny?
K: poopy
Me: I miss you sweetie!
K: ok, poopy
Me: what are you doing?
K: nothing, just poopy
((I love this age but this poopy stage can certainly pass at any time!!))
*Still has a massive amount of curls that I have yet to cut....

*If I let her she'd wear her blue dress from Walmart and Princess nightgown (that use to be Tati's) every day and night! I think she's just frugal....Walmart & hand-me-downs! :) She gets sooo excited when she knows that I have washed them!
*Lately she's been saying the cutest things....I wish I could just record what she says! She will say "that feel good mommy?" instead of "sounds good mommy?" Example: Kenzie-Mommy I put my toys here instead of there, that feel good mommy??"
*For the past month or so she has been talking about her birthday non stop! When she sees something she would like she will always say "maybe for my birthday". The other day we were passing a construction site and she saw a huge cement mixer truck and she goes "mommy look at that....maybe I like that for my birthday!" hehe :)
*In the past few weeks loves to color, esp. with markers!
Happy 3rd Birthday Sweet Girl!! We love you soooo much!! We can't wait to see what this year has in store for you! :)
Happy Birthday to the little princess!!
She can always come and play with Drake if she wants to rough house. She has change so much since she was born. The dark hair change to her beautiful curly light brown hair. Love you Kenzie.
I am LMAO! I can't believe she is 3also! How funny that she says "poopy" for everything! Did you make a big deal out of it at one point...kids always want that reaction:)And she did tell me she longs for a brother to wrestle with:) Love you Kenzie! Happy Birthday!
LOL Is all I can say!
Happy 3rd Birthday Kenzie! I hope her day was great! She is too funny and cute! I heard her "I no care" routine but have yet to hear the poopy talk...lol!! It seems like yesterday we visited u in Queens and met Kenzie for the first time...u guys were sleeping on the futon so that you could wake up at night to care for her! Hard to believe that she is looking and acting like such a big girl these days!
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