Lately Kenzie has been drawing a lot (always people!)....I love seeing the people she draws!
Last week I was going through a notebook and page after page after page were drawings of "people", every single page had a person on it! They were just the cutest drawings ever!
Today I had to take a picture of her people....look how cute they are! :)
(She's also started writing her name on her pictures, which usually includes a "M" and "A" and a "i" and "r"- she doesn't even know any lower case letters so it's completely random which letters she chooses!)
During nap time I was on the phone so I wasn't really paying attention to what she was doing....
Yea, there was definitely no sleeping going on or even an attempt to sleep...
The crazy girl threw every book from her book basket on the floor...
Haha...luckily mommy found the humor in it! :)
I found it crazy how filthy a princess loving little girl will get!!
But then again I shouldn't be too surprised...I watched her crawl on the driveway, roll around on leaves/dirt, dig through a bucket of sidewalk chalk, throw leaves on herself, etc....I guess I should be happy all the dirt comes off in the bath! :)