Our weekend started at Family Fun Night at our church on Friday! As always, Kenzie had a great time....she always does! It was suppose to be "Trunk or Treat" but the weather didn't cooperate and it was rainy and wet so the activities were moved inside! It didn't matter though all the kids had a great time! There was pumpkin carving, necklace making, a leaf pit (with prizes hidden in the leaves!), tons of games, fall crafts, a lot candy and a message at the end for the kids!

Kenzie loved being Tinkerbell! This is not her actual Halloween costume (although she'll be a fairy, just not Tink! A pink/purple fairy! so cute!) we shopped through the Whitacre girls' dress up clothes for this costume! :)

On Saturday we headed over to my sister's for Ella & Sophia's 6th birthday party! How crazy...6!!! I still remember when I got called early in the morn that baby Sophie was on her way and I made the 3 hour drive from the Bronx to be there for her birth!! And it feels just like yesterday little Ella came home from China and I talked to her on the phone for the first time! :)

And today we went to church....and that's about it! :)
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