Sunday, February 26, 2012

Pictures {from the past week or so}

I've been a bad blogger lately! (and it's only going to get worse the next few months since I'll be working full time until end of May!)

It's hard to blog around this time of year b/c we usually don't do much of anything exciting!

I'm usually sick of being indoors and the cold weather, but I shouldn't complain we've had such a mild winter! We've only been able to go out to play in the snow once and then that snow melted the next day or so!

So here are some pictures from the past week...

*Lookin cute before church today :)


*Kenzie's crazy outfit...this was before she added a few more "accessories"

*We had a "wedding" yesterday! :)

*Kenzie's caterpillar (she asked me to take a picture!)

*Doesn't she look like a teenager here?!?!

*Kenzie proudly showing a picture she drew of Daddy with his "spikeys" :)

*We had Sophie over to play and they planned a doggie wedding! :)

(maybe they will be wedding planners when they grow up?!?)

*Kenz putting on every bracelet she owns....

*Showing some must have been hot during the night! I went by her room before going to bed and noticed she had unzipped her pjs! *Lookin cute before church (last Sunday)

*When Kenzie picks out her outfit she will go through her drawers and lay out possible shirts that she might want to wear. Then she will go one by one and veto a shirt until she's left with the one that she's going to wear! :)

(the line up)

*The chosen outfit!

*The other day I was doing laundry and emptied the clean laundry on Kenzie's bed so I could fold while she played in her room. She thought that the laundry on her bed was the coolest thing ever! hahaha! Oh to be 3 again! :)

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Valentine's Day

Happy belated Valentine's Day! I know some people think this day is overrated...and I'm sure it is, but why not make an ordinary day a little special with your loved ones!?!

A few weeks ago Kenzie picked out Scooby-Doo Valentines! She enjoyed getting them ready for her "friends" aka cousins! :)

This year was our first Valentine's Day as hubby & wifey! :)

We didn't see much of each other that day....I didn't get home from work until about 4 and he had to leave at 4:30 for work, but Jeff made a yummy dinner and I made one of his favorite dinners the night before (beef & broccoli)! And I think when he came home from work I was already sleeping..hehe how romantic! :)
Cupid came to drop off some little goodies! :)

Jeff was happy...he got to spend V-Day with his little Valentine...

These were the only semi good pictures I could get in the morning before work!

She was very excited about her new My Little Pony! :)

And this has nothing to do with Valentine's Day but I just checked in on Kenzie napping and she looks so warm & cozy!! Sometimes I don't know why she fights naps so much...this is her last year that she can take daily naps...she might not know it yet but when she's older she'll wish she had nap time! :)

Sunday, February 12, 2012

This & That

This post is going to be random.

Just a bunch of random pictures from the last couple weeks! :)

Yesterday we were getting ready for church when Jeannine surprised Kenzie with Valentine Matilda Jane ruffles! :) Kenzie thought they were very cool....which I was relieved-she's so picky with what she wears recently! It got even better when she realized Abbie had the same ruffles on at church! :)

After church Abbie came over a for a little play date! :) Before they changed I had to take a picture of them in their matching ruffles! :)

The girls spent a lot of time playing with our little neighbor through Kenzie's window!!
The other day I had Kenzie pose for a picture....she thought posing was very fun and wanted to try to make up her own pose later in the day....
....and this was her pose...hehe

As I've said before, Kenzie loves to pick out her outfits....I was very impressed with this outfit she picked out....She picked out everything right down to her shoes & the braid in her hair! :)

Just some cute pictures...
(She asked me to take this picture :)

(She has her mommy's frizzies! Poor girl!)

Sunday, February 5, 2012

3 1/2

I can't believe Kenzie is 3 1/ she's closer to 4 than 2...when did this happen?

Next year she'll be in Pre-K! Whoa!
I've been talking about school with her a lot recently...some days she seems excited, some days not so much! So I'm very excited to see what September brings! It's still up in the air right now where she will go to school....hopefully she will get into our district's UPK which is everyday but from what I hear, it's very hard to get in. They choose the kids on a lottery system so it's just completely random! If she doesn't get into UPK she'll hopefully go to a nursery school in a nearby church 3 days a week. Who knows....but either way I'm sure she'll do great and make lots of little girlfriends! (no boyfriends!! hehe jk) :)

Here are some cute little things I do not want to forget about Kenzie @ 3 1/2....

*Loves the color purple! (Red is her second favorite she says)

*She will always point out people's favorite colors....Jeff told her that his favorite color is green and now she gets so excited to show him something green. She also uses it to her advantage....she will ask "daddy will you play with me?" Jeff will say something like "i can't right now" and Kenzie will reply "but look the doll has a green shirt on" or "but you can color with the green crayon"

*The other day Kenzie went to my room to get a blanket...she came back with a pink one and said "I'll use this pink blanket b/c Abbie loves pink and Abbie is my best friend"

*Her favorite toys are: her stuffed dogs, princesses, and My Little Pony

*Will say "hurry on" instead of "hurry up" I just love it!

*A few weeks back Jeff & I were pretending to argue who loves Kenzie more...she grabs both of our hands and says in a very serious tone "ok, both love me!"

*Still loves her blankie....and Pups!! She brings them everywhere!!!! Kenzie's Sunday School teacher told me that Pups now says the verses with the other kids!! :) I often see her loving on Pups like I do with her...for example yesterday I was watching Kenzie with Pups and she goes "aww I love you Pups...I just can't stop kissing you" as she kissed him over and over! :)

*A couple weeks ago Sophie's fish "Shiny" died...I told Kenzie about it and she didn't say much. Later that day we had this conversation:
Me: "Mommy has to go to work this week"

Kenz: "Nee Nee too? "
Me: "Yes "
Kenz: "Nee Nee has to stay home to make Shiny feel better!"

*Although "Pups" is her favorite I just have to list the others b/c I love the names she picks out for them: Pepperoni, Tinkerbell, Blacky Whitey Browny (which has been turned to Jasmine), Tootie, Snowball, Butterball, Whitey, Bell....

*According to Kenzie, Levi is her brother...not her cousin!

*The other day at dinner she puts her head on her hands, sighs and says "I've had a hard day"....ahhh to live the life of a 3 year old! :)

*Loves Scoobi Doo and will ask to watch it every morning....but Jeff & I just had to limit the amount of Scoobi Doo she watches b/c we aren't sure if it's related or not but since she's been watching the show she has been sooo scared of monsters!!

*The other night I brought Kenzie to our bed since she was scared of her room.....she was laying down staring at me and playing with my hair and says "Mommy you have a beautiful nose!" LOL

*Loves animals...favorites are cats, dogs & horses...she will say when she's 5 she's going to ride a horse and not be scared!

*The other day we were walking outside when it was getting dark....Kenzie looks at the moon closes her eyes and makes a wish "I wish I can ride a unicorn" and then blows the moon a kiss! sweet! :)

*Loves to pick out her own outfits....she will often ask me if we are going anywhere that day...and if I say no she'll quickly run to her drawers to pick out her outfit! :) I have learned to like it! :)

*I'm not too sure when it started....I think awhile ago but we seldom call her Makenzie or Kenzie she's usually Kennie! My brother in law even took it a step further and has called her Kenneth a few times!! LOL Yea, we nipped that in the bud right away! :)

Ahhh man we just love this little girl!! :)