I've been a bad blogger lately! (and it's only going to get worse the next few months since I'll be working full time until end of May!)
It's hard to blog around this time of year b/c we usually don't do much of anything exciting!
I'm usually sick of being indoors and the cold weather, but I shouldn't complain we've had such a mild winter! We've only been able to go out to play in the snow once and then that snow melted the next day or so!
So here are some pictures from the past week...
*Lookin cute before church today :)


*Kenzie's crazy outfit...this was before she added a few more "accessories"

*We had a "wedding" yesterday! :)

*Kenzie's caterpillar (she asked me to take a picture!)

*Doesn't she look like a teenager here?!?!

*Kenzie proudly showing a picture she drew of Daddy with his "spikeys" :)

*We had Sophie over to play and they planned a doggie wedding! :)

(maybe they will be wedding planners when they grow up?!?)

*Kenz putting on every bracelet she owns....

*Showing some skin....lol....She must have been hot during the night! I went by her room before going to bed and noticed she had unzipped her pjs!

*Lookin cute before church (last Sunday)
*When Kenzie picks out her outfit she will go through her drawers and lay out possible shirts that she might want to wear. Then she will go one by one and veto a shirt until she's left with the one that she's going to wear! :)
(the line up)
*The chosen outfit!

*The other day I was doing laundry and emptied the clean laundry on Kenzie's bed so I could fold while she played in her room. She thought that the laundry on her bed was the coolest thing ever! hahaha! Oh to be 3 again! :)

How funny! Her hair is getting so long! Love it! The shirt line up is hysterical!
She acts like a teenager with the way she picks out her clothes too! Too cute!
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