Sunday, June 10, 2012

Half Way There!

Today I'm 20 weeks!! 
Only 20 weeks (or less) to go until we meet our little girl!! :)
(These pictures are from 2 weeks 18 weeks)
Just some preggo facts so far....

*At my last ultra sound baby looked great!  

*I've been feeling great!!  No more puking! Yay!  And no back pain (so far!)  By this time with Kenzie I already had back I'm pretty happy!   I don't think I have any food aversions this time around that is going to last the whole pregnancy! In the beginning a lot of things made me sick, but now I'm back to eating anything and everything! :) 

*We picked a Josie!  Just have to pick out a middle name! :) 

*Going back a couple a weeks ago when we found out baby #2 is a girl....
Jeff has been convinced this whole pregnancy that it's a boy and the night before the ultrasound he had a dream it was a girl!  So going into the doctor's appt he wasn't too convinced anymore! The ultrasound tech. checked for gender right away and before she even said "girl" we both thought girl based on the picture of the screen! She said "looks like you guys will be needing all your pink stuff again!"   We are so happy to have 2 little princesses!! :)

*Kenzie is very happy to have a sister!!  Right from the start she wanted a sister and she was excited when we told her!  She just wasn't too excited with the name Josie though!  hehe...she still wants Shiny Faith Soto!      Lately she switched it too Charlie Faith Soto (which is actually very cute!).  I think she watches too much "Good Luck Charlie"!

*I'm so excited to get Kenzie's newborn and 0-3 months clothes out!  Everyday I contemplate going in the basement to get the totes but then I think it's too early!  I would get them out, wash them and then still wait 20 more weeks to use them! :)
This is 20 weeks!!
Kenzie took this picture!!  
I think she did very well!!!  I think she might be my photographer for the rest of the pregnancy! 

1 comment:

Justine said...

I am so happy your able to enjoy your pregnancy! I can't wait to meet baby Josie!