Thursday, January 3, 2013

Happy New Year!

Happy 2013!  
I love Christmas but it's always nice to start fresh and get back to a normal schedule after the holidays!
We had a nice and relaxing New Years Eve....We picked up snacks and tried to stay up late!
Kenzie was very excited!  She was wired!  I haven't seen her that wild in a looong time!  I knew she would eventually crash...and she did about 10:30.  I knew it was time for bed when she started to cry about everything!  We pretended it was midnight and we had our own little countdown.  Made Kenzie happy and she was more than ok to go to bed! I laid with her b/c I had been ready to go to bed since 9:30 she wanted to me lay with her for a couple minutes and I ended up sleeping!  I even drank a whole Sonic Rt.44 Diet Coke in hopes the caffeine would keep me awake, but sadly it didn't help!  
Jeff actually made it to midnight...and guess what?  When Josie woke up to nurse I looked at the clock and it was 11:59!!!  I couldn't believe Josie and I rushed out to the living room to ring in the new year with daddy! :) (and then I went straight back to bed!:)
 Josie unaware of our exciting snack party in the living room! :)
 The next morning...I was hoping Makenzie would sleep in a little but nope!  
 On New Years Day we relaxed a bit and went to the mall to make a return....and then headed back home to get ready for school the next day!

 Kenzie before bed...she wanted me to take this picture. 
I love how pretty her eyes look! :) 
 Back to school in a new outfit from Christmas!  

I didn't make any resolutions but rather chose a word for 2013....
I love to be organized but sometimes I get behind and then it takes forever to get caught I'm going to try to stay organized (in all areas of my life) in 2013...I think it's so important! 
It's crazy how much better I feel when I'm organized...I think I'm a better wife, better mom...etc!

I also want to play more with these cuties....

1 comment:

Emily said...

Too funny!I fell asleep when I put B to bed too! Somehow I woke up at 11:30(the champagne helped!) Glad you got to celebrate with Josie! Love the leopard outfits!