On the 19th Josie turned 4 months!
She's so cute....we just love her to pieces!
Everyday she is getting more and more fun! :)
Josie at 4 months...
*smiles all the time (except for these pictures!)
*likes the Bumbo chair, bouncy seat and swing! And I just ordered (Josie's Christmas present from my mom) a jumperoo...I think she will like that too!
*size 2 diaper
*mostly size 3-6 month clothes
*she's a hard one to make laugh...the other day (2/18) I was shaking my head (rather violently-it was giving me a headache!) but she was giggling! :) Too cute..this was the first time she actually let out a real giggle (and not from being tickled). Most of her little giggles are more like grunts.
*Close to rolling over!
Over the weekend she rolled over from belly to back, but not the other way around
*red hair!! :) I hope it stays red...or at least reddish!
*I finally can see an eye color...brown like sissy! :)
*Just starting to reach for toys and will try to put them in her mouth
*Still is a little stinker when it comes to the bottle! She gives my mom such a hard time while I'm at work! Sometimes she'll go hours before she gives in and drinks from a bottle...stubborn baby girl! :)
*Has yet to sleep through the night!
In fact in the past 2 weeks her sleeping schedule (or lack there of!) has been horrible! Up until this point she has slept in her Rock 'n Play, but I wanted to switch her back over to the bassinet (thinking it will make the switch to a crib easier later on)...so after the switch she has been a horrible sleeper! For example, last night she went to sleep around 7 was up 5 or 6 times before midnight!!! And then after that she got up 2x to nurse and then was up for good around 7am!
Tonight, I caved in and put her back in her Rock 'n Play...let's hope this works!
*very good in the car!
*also known as Jo or Joey around our house
*Sucks on her thumb! It's so cute to watch her! :)
Don't you just love her ponytail!?!?
Ahhh...I could just eat her up! :)
Ahhh...I could just eat her up! :)
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