Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Pictures {July}

Sisters playing in a tent...
Our little red head...

Lookin pretty after church...

Makenzie took it upon herself to brush Jojo's hair...
(hence why it is so slicked! hehe)

Enjoying her Gerber cookie! :)

Makenzie is very scared to be a room alone (during the day and night) so we often find her hiding under her blankets at night....
Happy babe...

Sunday, July 28, 2013

9 month stats

On the 26th Josie had her 9 month well visit.  
She didn't need shots but she did need blood work done! Booo!
Not surprising, she hung on me like a monkey as soon as the nurse and doctor came in!  :) 

9 Month Stats...
Weight: 18.3 lbs (48th percentile)
Length: 27.5 in (40th percentile) 
Head Circumference: 48 cm (99th percentile)

Apparently, she has a big head! :) hehehe 
I can't help that she's so smart that her brain needs extra room! :)   

And here are some pics of the little babe...

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Our {almost} Five Year Old

How can it be that our first born is turning 5 in a few weeks?
It only seems like maybe a couple of years since we found out we were pregnant with her in our tiny basement apartment in Queens!
We were definitely surprised by this little one but God definitely knew what He was doing when He created this little gal!  We are so blessed to have her! :)  

I may be a little emotional lately about Kennie going into Kindergarten! 
 I don't know what it is.  I didn't feel this way last year when she entered Pre-K.  
Five is just so young to be away at school for 7+ hours a day! 
From now until who knows when she'll be at school everyday... 
I'm just so happy I have been able to spend as much time as I have with her...
I'm so happy we never sent her to school sooner than we did...she has the rest of her years to be out there..but she only has a few years home with her mama!  

Friday, July 19, 2013

9 Months

Oh. my. word. 
9 months old.
Josie has now entered the last quarter of infant months!  :)

Here is JoJo at 9 months...
*Crawling everywhere

*Standing and pulling herself up all the time.  I love when I go in to get her up from a nap and she's standing waiting!  But on the other hand when she is standing in the middle of the night staring at me it's not that fun!

*Loves swimming!  

*Size 3 diaper
*Size 9 month and 6-12 month clothes

*Finally takes a bottle!  Only took her 9 months! :)  Jeff gives her a nighttime bottle 3x a week when I work.  She does well and usually drinks the whole 8 ounces!  

*Loves veggies...I think her favorites are peas and sweet potatoes.  She tolerates cereal but it's not her favorite.  We just tried Gerber Puffs a couple weeks ago.  She likes to play with them and put them in her mouth but then spit them out!  But her food of choice is still mama's milk! :)  

*She loves to watch big sis, but is also started to get irritated with her as well (I don't blame her...big sis can be a little crazy at times!).  Makenzie will be in her face and Jo will loudly protest! :)

*Still a horrible sleeper!  Each month as I write this I hope by the next month I can write that she is sleeping through the night...or even down to getting up once a night, but that time has not come yet! :)  It's ok though I'm fine on little sleep! :)

*2 bottom teeth

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

So it starts...

"Ahh the camera again"
 "Wait, what do I feel on my head?"
"Are you serious mom? This bow is a little big" 
"Nope sorry mom, not happening...."
"SO much better"
 "uh oh...am I in trouble?"

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

July So Far {in Instagram pics}

Doesn't get any cute than this little babe cruisin' down the road.....

 Playing in the church nursery.  On this particular day Jo needed mama!  
I was paged within minutes...once I came back she was a happy camper!
She loves the water!  Her feet start kicking as soon as she feels the water!

 A picture of me....
(Kenzie later explained that it's a picture of me as a potato!)
 Waiting for open swim to start....
(just an hour late...the head life guard was an hour late! Sheesh...to be 16 again! hehe!)
 This one was super proud of herself on this particular day at the pool....
she now jumps in and goes under water!  
She did it over and over again!
I told her we would get ice cream if she jumped in!  I knew that was all she needed to give her the extra boost to jump the first time! :)  
She really enjoyed her ice cream! 
Love how this almost 5 year old still gets ice cream all over her face! 
Lookin out the window as mama and sissy eat their ice cream...

 own very own Rapunzel!
 Someone stands all the time now...
I love coming in to get her from her nap and I open the door to see her standing! 
Too cute!