Doesn't get any cute than this little babe cruisin' down the road.....

Playing in the church nursery. On this particular day Jo needed mama!
I was paged within minutes...once I came back she was a happy camper!
She loves the water! Her feet start kicking as soon as she feels the water!
A picture of me....
(Kenzie later explained that it's a picture of me as a potato!)
Waiting for open swim to start....
(just an hour late...the head life guard was an hour late! be 16 again! hehe!)
This one was super proud of herself on this particular day at the pool....
she now jumps in and goes under water!
She did it over and over again!
I told her we would get ice cream if she jumped in! I knew that was all she needed to give her the extra boost to jump the first time! :)
She really enjoyed her ice cream!
Love how this almost 5 year old still gets ice cream all over her face!
Lookin out the window as mama and sissy eat their ice cream...
own very own Rapunzel!
Someone stands all the time now...
I love coming in to get her from her nap and I open the door to see her standing!
Too cute!