Friday, July 19, 2013

9 Months

Oh. my. word. 
9 months old.
Josie has now entered the last quarter of infant months!  :)

Here is JoJo at 9 months...
*Crawling everywhere

*Standing and pulling herself up all the time.  I love when I go in to get her up from a nap and she's standing waiting!  But on the other hand when she is standing in the middle of the night staring at me it's not that fun!

*Loves swimming!  

*Size 3 diaper
*Size 9 month and 6-12 month clothes

*Finally takes a bottle!  Only took her 9 months! :)  Jeff gives her a nighttime bottle 3x a week when I work.  She does well and usually drinks the whole 8 ounces!  

*Loves veggies...I think her favorites are peas and sweet potatoes.  She tolerates cereal but it's not her favorite.  We just tried Gerber Puffs a couple weeks ago.  She likes to play with them and put them in her mouth but then spit them out!  But her food of choice is still mama's milk! :)  

*She loves to watch big sis, but is also started to get irritated with her as well (I don't blame her...big sis can be a little crazy at times!).  Makenzie will be in her face and Jo will loudly protest! :)

*Still a horrible sleeper!  Each month as I write this I hope by the next month I can write that she is sleeping through the night...or even down to getting up once a night, but that time has not come yet! :)  It's ok though I'm fine on little sleep! :)

*2 bottom teeth

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