Saturday, September 28, 2013

Citizen of the Week

During the first full week of school Makenzie won the "Citizen of the Week" award in her class. 
She was beyond excited!  
As soon as she got off the bus she wanted to quickly call daddy at work to tell him!
So cute!

For "the citizen" there is something special for them everyday in their classroom.  
On Monday she was announced at morning program and went up front to receive her award....
here she is walking up front...
 On Tuesday she brought in a poster filled out with all of her favorite things.
On Wednesday she could bring in 2 show and tell items (one book and one toy).  She picked a My Little Pony and a Little Mermaid book!
On Thursday I was invited to come in and have lunch with her! :)  I think I was more excited than Kenzie was! hehe 
And on Friday the class made her a special friendship book! 
And all throughout the week she was able to sit in the gold chair!!  I guess the chair is a pretty big deal! :)  

The other day Makenzie came home from school and was telling me how she was playing with 2 other girls.  One of the girls got mad at Kenzie and the other one and said that she's not going to be friends with them anymore.  The other girl started crying and Makenzie said she almost started crying too....but then she said "so I went over to the girl (who was mad) and we talked it out and I made everyone be friends again" .  Can I tell you how proud I was of her!?!! And can I tell you how much I would give to listen to them "talking it out".  :) 


Emily said...

What a peace maker! How cute:)

Nataly said...

I love how mature she was!!! At such a young age! Such a sweetie pie!!