Thursday, August 28, 2014

The Fair

On Monday the girls and I went to the fair!  
I had a feeling it was going to be a little hard this year with Josie given her age 
(and personality! hehe) and I was right.  
She was fine for the first 10 minutes or so and then she decided she was over the stroller and kept on climbing out! I tried holding her hand and then she would bite me.  Ugh!  
She would scream, fall to the floor and run away.  Ugh!

So other than Josie's meltdowns we had a fun day.
We met up with Uncle Scott!
The girls just love him!
 Kenzie wanted to walk near him, hold his hand and sit by him at lunch....
and Jo was even happy being carried by him!

Makenzie loves these feet massage chairs! 
I think she would be happy just sitting on them all day! 

I didn't take a lot of pictures with my camera...
I was too busy chasing Josie around everywhere!

{to Jo's defense she had an upset tummy the day before and then developed this nasty rash all over her body at the fair which we later found out that she had the coxsackie virus.  And it was nap time ...and like 90 all that considering she was pretty good! :) }

But I did snap a few pics with my phone....
Poor Kenzie was a 1/2 inch too short for most of the "cool" rides.  
But she did have fun on the rides that she could go on!
We went on the scrambler and I laughed the entire time...I have no idea why..
I guess it was a lot faster than I remember! 
But anyway...apparently Kenzie didn't like my behavior b/c she told me to stop laughing b/c I was embarrassing her!! What?!!? :( 
They both went fishing and won a prize!! :)  
Kenzie loves these....
We had to stop at all of them and she made me take a pic each time! :)

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