The other night Kenzie did something so cute I had to post the story before I forgot. After bath we were just playing with some toys and watching Barney. I was sitting on the floor when she brought her 1 sandal over to me and signed "more" she then turned around and backed her booty over to me and sat on my lap. She lifted her foot up so I could put on her sandal. After I was done she got up and did the same exact thing for the other sandal. When I had them both on she proceeded to head over to the door and bang on it-which I guess is her way of saying "Mommy let's go outside!" How could I say no? Yes she was all clean and surely she was bound to get dirty again if she went outside and it was only a matter of minutes before bedtime but Kenzie definitely has me wrapped around her little we went out for a quick walk! And let me tell you how cute it was to watch Kenzie with her wet hair in her jammies and sandals walking down the sidewalk....precious! :)
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
1 year doctor visit....
She picked out a baby doll at the dollar store for being a brave girl at the doctors...
Monday, August 24, 2009
This & That...
Not too much has been going on over here the past couple weeks. We only have a couple more weeks left of Summer :( I am very sad to be going back to work but happy that I have a job to go to! In the beginning of the Summer the school I subbed for called to ask if I wanted a long-term sub position for the Fall semester! I was very happy, esp since I just started working as a sub just a few months before! I know the kids I will be working with since I subbed in their class a few times's a group of about 5 boys who are all very sweet! I also get to carpool with my sister and my 2 nieces (they are going to Pre-K in the same school). I'm looking forward to getting back to a schedule but I will most certainly miss my little one at home!!

Jeff & I also just found an apartment-finally!! We are looking forward to moving in September 1st!! It's right in the the village and only about a 10 minute walk (3 minute drive) from my sister's house! It a cute place-2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms but the kitchen is TINY! I have never seen such a small kitchen in my life but other than that it's a cute place for us! Makenzie is definitely going to miss seeing her cousins 24/7! Every morning when she gives each cousin a hug-it is the cutest thing! Ella & Sophia love it, Abbie-not so much! :)
Jeff & I also just found an apartment-finally!! We are looking forward to moving in September 1st!! It's right in the the village and only about a 10 minute walk (3 minute drive) from my sister's house! It a cute place-2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms but the kitchen is TINY! I have never seen such a small kitchen in my life but other than that it's a cute place for us! Makenzie is definitely going to miss seeing her cousins 24/7! Every morning when she gives each cousin a hug-it is the cutest thing! Ella & Sophia love it, Abbie-not so much! :)
Here is a picture of Kenzie with her partner in crime Abbie-this particular day the babies were out of control!! I could not control either one of them! They continued to do everything they were not suppose to be doing...this picture shows them reaching for the frames I told them not to touch (over and over again)
Here they are looking at the frame that they are NOT suppose to be playing with...
Here they are fighting in the corner of the family room...their fights usually start with Kenzie either putting Abbie in some sort of choke hold (or I like to think it's a hug!) or with Kenzie grabbing Abbie's shirt....Abbie will get annoyed and either push Kenzie away or hit her on her is Abbie pushing Kenzie away...
And here is Kenzie going for a choke hold...

We are LOVING her age right now-I always say that her current age is my favorite but this age truly is! I could just watch her all day-dancing, playing, eating, anything... She knows the sign for "more" and she does it all the time! I have the hardest time saying no to her when she asks for more! She also points to the tv and claps (which is her way to ask for Barney) and when it's on she will clap, stomp her feet and dance! It's the cutest thing! She definitely keeps us on the move all day long but WE LOVE IT!!
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Birthday party #2
On Sunday morning Jeff, Kenzie & I drove down to NJ to celebrate Kenzie's birthday with Jeff's family. Jeff's sister, Kathy, threw Kenzie a princess party! Kenzie was a little clingy to me since it was a new place and new people but she definitely enjoyed her party! She played with a princess pinata and had her own giant cupcake! She got some new toys & a lot of clothes! We all had a great time! 
Baby Aiden....I fell in love with his cheeks-I couldn't stop pinching them! Poor little guy, I know he must get that a lot!!
Makenzie & Gabrielle
Unwrapping presents...
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Birthday party #1
Saturday was Kenzie had her first party upstate with my family & a few friends. It was another beautiful day-70's & no humidity. I really couldn't have asked for better weather in August! I had it at my sister's house which was nice because Kenzie was comfortable and she was able to get down and walk without having Mommy & Daddy nearby! I kept it simple with some pizza & chips. The cake was very yummy (despite a little mishap with the misspelling of Makenzie! They fixed it but it didn't look 100% perfect). Kenzie ate a big piece of the cake & of course made a big mess! :) 

Grampy & Kenzie
Kenzie's BFF Abbie Grace

Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Kenzie's Birthday...
I could not have asked for a better day for Makenzie's 1st birthday! It was in the mid 70's with no humidty! It was great! We wanted Kenzie to have a nice and relaxing day since she had a pretty busy weekend ahead of her! We started the day with a special blueberry pancake, followed by a long birthday nap and then she woke up to presents from Mommy & Daddy! We gave her a little doll stroller & a rocking horse and some little things but I think her favorite was a Barney doll from her cousins! Man, does this girl like Barney!! Not to go off on too much of a tangent but the other night Kenzie was very bad during the night-she was fussy and cried on and off again for over a hour and nothing would sooth her until I said "Where's Barney?" When she heard Barney's name she IMMEDIATELY stopped crying and started to clap (she claps when she watches it). Her mood then switched to a happy Kenzie and she wanted to play but it was after midnight so I definitely was not a happy Mommy! Anyway....back to her birthday-after presents we went to the park where went for a walk & then Kenzie played on the playground. At the end of the day we sang "Happy Birthday" to the birthday girl and she enjoyed a mini cupcake! This was the first time she has had anything sweet so at first she didn't know what to do with it but she quickly learned and made quite the mess! It was cute! It was a great day & I hope Kenzie enjoyed it as much as Mommy & Daddy did!!
Watching Barney with her blankie
Rocking on her new horse!
Playing with her new Barney & dolly
Leave it to Kenzie to climb on the dolly stroller...I couldn't believe it when I looked over and she was just chillin on the stroller like that...
At the park...
Happy Birthday to our dear little Kenzie....

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