I could not have asked for a better day for Makenzie's 1st birthday! It was in the mid 70's with no humidty! It was great! We wanted Kenzie to have a nice and relaxing day since she had a pretty busy weekend ahead of her! We started the day with a special blueberry pancake, followed by a long birthday nap and then she woke up to presents from Mommy & Daddy! We gave her a little doll stroller & a rocking horse and some little things but I think her favorite was a Barney doll from her cousins! Man, does this girl like Barney!! Not to go off on too much of a tangent but the other night Kenzie was very bad during the night-she was fussy and cried on and off again for over a hour and nothing would sooth her until I said "Where's Barney?" When she heard Barney's name she IMMEDIATELY stopped crying and started to clap (she claps when she watches it). Her mood then switched to a happy Kenzie and she wanted to play but it was after midnight so I definitely was not a happy Mommy! Anyway....back to her birthday-after presents we went to the park where went for a walk & then Kenzie played on the playground. At the end of the day we sang "Happy Birthday" to the birthday girl and she enjoyed a mini cupcake! This was the first time she has had anything sweet so at first she didn't know what to do with it but she quickly learned and made quite the mess! It was cute! It was a great day & I hope Kenzie enjoyed it as much as Mommy & Daddy did!!
Watching Barney with her blankie
Rocking on her new horse!
Playing with her new Barney & dolly
Leave it to Kenzie to climb on the dolly stroller...I couldn't believe it when I looked over and she was just chillin on the stroller like that...
At the park...
Happy Birthday to our dear little Kenzie....

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