Thursday, August 6, 2009


Happy 1st Birthday baby girl!!! Mommy & Daddy love you so very much!!! You bring us so much joy & happiness & we are so very excited to celebrate your 1st Birthday!

As a little tribute to Kenzie I put together Kenzie's 1st 12 months in pictures...I was surprised at how sad I got when I looked back at hospital pictures and from the first few months. Despite how much she has changed I still see "Kenzie" in her newborn picture. I just remember how happy I was to be finally holding our princess! And one year later we couldn't be happier with our little doll! :)


1 Month

2 Months

3 Months

4 Months
5 Months

6 Months
7 Months
8 Months
9 Months

10 Months

11 Months

12 Months


Sam said...

Happy Birthday Kenzie!! can't wait to celebrate your 1st bday Saturday xoxo-Sam

The Riggs said...

Happy Birthday Makenzie!! It is amazing how fast they change in just a year. I think birthday celebrations are just as much for the mom's as they are for the kids :)

alexandra's mommy said...

Happy Bday Makenzie! I loved looking at all the pics of her! Looking forward to hearing about the bday party!